Correct Thinking Saves Marriage: Discovering the way forward when the "I's" have it
By: Dr. Peter Joseph
"..... diagnostic and prescriptive for the health of marriage-just what the doctor ordered! These questions should be built into pre-marital counselling as well as marriage retreats...."
--Danny R. Bowen, PhD, Adjunct
Professor, South Western Baptist Theological Seminary
"....careful and erudite treatment of the subject..."
--Pastor Jansen Trotman, DD, MA, CFLE, CC
Gloria Trotman, PhD, MA, CFLE, CC
"This book would function well in small group setting."
--Jane Thayer, PhD
Professor, Andrews University
Author of Strategies for Transformational Learning: How to teach for Discipleship
"....a powerful resource to strengthen the institution of marriage..."
--Leonard A. Johnson, DMin, CMG, JP
Inter- American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
".... A positive difference in the lives of all who read...."
--Dr. Ray Ostrander, PhD
Professor of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
Andrews University
"...theological soundness and practical application."
--Peter Kerr, DD, MA
Atlantic Caribbean Union of Seventh-day Adventist
"....timeless biblical strategies that contribute to happy and lasting marriages...."
--Howard Simon MA, CFLE
District Pastor, North Caribbean Conference of Seventh- day Adventist
"....must read for those already married and those who may be contemplating entering a marital relationship."
--James Daniel, PhD (Edu.)
Vice President
General Conference, Inter- American Division of Seventh-day Adventists
About the Author
Peter Joseph (D.Ed.Min, ) The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a family education, leadership, discipleship and evangelism consultant, author and speaker living in Nassau Bahamas with his wife Michelle.