About the Book
Its easier to do good, than undo evil! For what many do now, seem so medieval! Keeping the commandments would solve many problems before they get started & would starve the monstrous giant, the CORPIRATE$! The ever growing, hungry, & corrupt Secret Combinations of Globalists Corpirate$ Industrial Complexes, that feast off of USAs & others taxes! Making us pay for our own loss of freedoms, & enslavement. What might happen if everyone kept the commandments? What excuse would politicians have to promise harsher laws to punish criminals, to over regulate, require endless fees, licenses, permits, & endless paper work? For if there wasnt any killers, thieves, etc., & no one to arrest, jail, & fine. Wouldnt that starve the beast? Reduce claims that they need more taxes to solve many problems that arise as crimes continue to increase? But, because people wont keep the commandments, & would rather hate others. Doesnt that give politicians, the judicial industrial complex, prison industrial complex, & police-state industrial complex, etc., in business? Fines, fees, taxes, assets, money & properties seized! Did the same ones who wanted God, 10 Commandment, & prayer out of schools, then turn around & demand that Governments get bigger & better to solve the increases in crimes, gang violence, & other problems that follow with not keeping the commandments? Do Governments prolong wars, crisises, & problems, knowing that if there is peace, no crimes, & every one is behaving, that they wouldnt have excuses to sap more taxe$? To increase the debt ceiling, rather than lower the tax spending, & wasting? To continue to pass 1000s of paged bills that no one hardly reads anyways, but of which helps the corporations & lobbyists that paid to get the law makers in power? Have we figured out yet, that if we all increased in love, & positive traits & kept the commandments, we wouldnt have to have law makers to try to legislate our behavior? Thus, have we finally had enough of the corruption? Isnt it time to starve the monster before it gets even bigger than what it is now? For by all of us keeping the commandments, this rewarding concept would soon be realized as peace, love, kindness, charity & other positive traits increase, while all the negative traits, with all the problems that go with them, decrease! This is the real solution that we hardly ever hear about, because many people dont want to be preached at! Theyd rather continue on down the road towards a 3rd world war! Or Armageddon! This series of books, vol. 1 & 2, now combined into 1 vol., was written to encourage us all to realize what we all have created, this Corpirate$ global ACEPHALOUS monster! All because of the sum of all of our combined negative choices! Thus, the Corpirate$ Industrial Complexes now grow out of the inter-dependencies on the myths that bigger Governments can solve problems, end wars, & fix all the crimes spawned by all the negative traits now lived. Because many would rather have their hate race wars, political correctness & thought policing still go on, this monster continues to feast! (Thus, this combined 2 volumes explores a history of thought policing during the Dark Ages, when corrupt Governments & a militant church enforced their decrees, & punished the disobedient by thought policing tactics, fines, confiscations of properties, tortures, banishment & murders. How they spied out, imprisoned, & crushed freedoms. Is history now repeating itself? With the rise of a Military Industrial Complex, Governments Industrial Complexes, Prison Industrial Complex, Judicial Industrial Complex, Medical, Transportation, Communications, Media, & other tentacles of the Corpirate$ Industrial Complexes. This books explores prophetic warnings, offers real simple solutions to these on going issues, that would solve many problems before they get started! (As is, uncorrected rough draft, 2nd enlarged & black-white edition, by DT, SLC, UT: R.H.& P.S. 8-28-2017).