Is the government infringing on your Rights with the lock down? Is it worth risking your life to reopen businesses? Can you afford to stay at home? These are the concerns of many people around the world.You see it on social media more often these days than anything else. Protestors decked out with signs saying anything from "right to assemble" to "we demand haircuts.". It is a hot topic that everyone seems to have an opinion.
Opening up or staying locked down, that is the question?
For some of us, staying locked down is not a bad thing. But for others, their livelihoods are at risk because of this. Thousands of employees are on leave, and as of this writing, over 30 million Americans were applying for unemployment, and it's only going higher.
Companies are facing a choice: To open or not to open? Will the virus impact their stores and companies as profoundly as we expect?
Finding a solution in all of this chaos can be challenging. The answer to this involves looking at three sides.
They are as follows: financial reasons, the infringement of freedoms for people, and of course, the medical reasons.
Some people say it is an easy decision, it is between life and death. Stay at home and live or go out and risk getting infected and dying. We will discuss all of these and more in the book.
While some people are a little more outspoken with their disdain, such as Alex Jones; "I will eat my neighbors" comment, others understand the restrictions put in place.
We also will touch base on the questionability of the numbers of cases for COVID-19 and the incentivization to hospitals and doctors to classify a person with the coronavirus.
Is the shelter-in-place order correct? Is it right? Is it legal?
The answer to that isn't clear. In truth, it can be seen as a valid and justifiable thing, while others see it as a restriction, an inability to leave, and an infringement on our freedoms.
In this book, you'll read on the reasons for and against the lockdown.
and much more...
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