About the Book
This is the edition in high-quality color print for Japan and Australia, in all other countries you can buy a cheaper edition with easy color print here by amazon, a recommended option, as this cheaper color print is sufficient for the illustrations.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Training manual for
Corel Photo-Paint 2019 &
Corel Photo-Paint Home and Student 2019 Complete in full colour with many integrated exercises for easy learning by doing!
Photo editing easy explained. Editing photos, manipulate photos, use effects to make artistical photos.... With a good photo program you can be a photo artist. About the Content of the Book: - Basics of image editing, especially the difference between pixel photos and graphic files. Base technics as
- set contrast and brightness,
- cut-off borders,
- use the eraser or the
- effect tool, Advanced applications:
- Paint yourself e.g., with the brush.
- Image sprayer and
- other special tools as eraser, pipette, paint bucket...
- The brush variations and image sprayer
- Fill patterns Professional image editing:
- Masks and objects
- Usage of different mask types
- Delete something from a photo
- Use effects only on masked areas
- Create objects yourself with masks
- Copy an object from one photo and insert in another photo Artistically alienate photos with effects:
- Use special effects for artistical photo results e.g. vignette, wet paint, fish eye,
- Overview effects like solarize, glass, shear, blur, bubbles ...
- Effects and text
- Cloning and copying
- Special results with the transparency effect
- the amazing overlay function Additional:
- Specialties for photos with regard to printing, scanning, transferring to other programs, data backup etc. With many exercises step by step useable by beginners (really, professionals don't need a book). This allows you to edit both private pictures, such as the snapshots of your digital camera, or to acquire the professional knowledge of digital photo editing. It is not a collection of materials, but a training book in which everything is presented step by step and deepened with exercises for copying. With this knowledge you can manipulate photos like photo professionals. Fully coloured and with many pictures and illustrations! We have three books on almost every version of CorelDRAW:
A training book for the CorelDRAW graphics drawing program,
a training book for the Corel Photo-Paint photo program (for photo editing) included in the CorelDRAW Suite, and
a Built-Up Volume for both with more sophisticated exercises and techniques. In addition, many other books are available, e.g. for Corel Draw, MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint......search on Amazon for "manual schiessl" and you will find our other titles, e.g., on MS Word (three volumes and a special volume on serial printing), MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, CorelDRAW, the range is constantly being expanded. Keywords: Photo-Paint, Corel, Photo, Photo Editing, Image Editing, Retouching, Mask, Masking, Cropping, Objects, Color Change, Solarization, Panorama, Brightness, Exposure, Camera, jpg, cpt, Pixel, Render, Lens, Digital Imaging.