Inflammation is essential to protect our body. Thanks to him, he can fight infections and even such serious diseases as cancer. Unfortunately, inflammation is not always good for us - it can do serious damage, for example, autoimmune diseases. In such situations, the inhibition of inflammation is highly recommended, as it protects the body against self-annihilation. How to get rid of inflammation? Is there an effective anti-inflammatory diet?
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is a process that occurs when the immune system responds to tissue or cell damage. Its purpose is to protect the body against threats. When an attack occurs, pro-inflammatory substances are rapidly produced, including leukotrienes, prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and chemotrienes. As a result of inflammation, the blood vessels dilate, which increases their permeability. Often we can observe that the inflamed areas are red, there is also swelling, and there is also an exudative fluid containing large amounts of protein. Acute inflammation is usually associated with increased temperature - it is perfectly justified, eliminating some pathogenic microorganisms. In many cases, there is less or more pain that stops when healed. The inflammatory response is most beneficial if our body is really under threat. Unfortunately, it often happens that the immune system recognizes the cells of our own body as intruders and decides to destroy them. We can talk about such a situation in the case of autoimmune diseases. The misled immune system causes chronic inflammation that leads to irreversible damage to tissues and organs in the long term. Modern medicine is unable to explain why our bodies develop auto-aggression. However, it is worth realizing that there are effective ways to fight dangerous, chronic inflammation (it can last for months or even years). One of them is diet. How to deal with chronic inflammation? Chronic inflammation is not good for us. It is only a signal that the body is no longer in control of the situation. An extreme form of inflammation that is no longer under control is sepsis, which leads to the death of up to 20 percent of sufferers.
Today we are dealing with a real epidemic of autoimmune diseases. They are most likely the result of how the human body reacts to the instant changes taking place in the natural environment. A large part of society breathes polluted air, eats highly processed food, uses cosmetics full of unnecessary chemicals that adversely affect health. All these factors put a huge strain on the immune system, which reacts inadequately to the threat. Hazardous substances are also a problem - substances contained in dietary supplements, which are theoretically supposed to improve health. Added to this is the ubiquitous stress that weakens our immunity.
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