1 Contested Extractivism, Society and the State - an Introduction
Kristina Dietz and Bettina Engels
2 Reimagining Extractivism: Insights from Spatial Theory
Facundo Martín
3 Beyond Curse and Blessing: Rentier Society in Venezuela
Stefan Peters 4 Ghana - big man big envelope, finish: Chinese Corporate Exploitation in Small-Scale Mining
Coleman Agyeyomah, Gordon Crawford and Atinga Mba
5 Small-Scale Gold Mining and the State in the Philippines
Boris Verbrugge
6 Politics of Scale and Struggles over Mining in Colombia
Kristina Dietz
7 Not all Glitter is Gold: Mining Conflicts in Burkina Faso
Bettina Engels
8 Peasant Movements in Argentina and Brazil
Renata Motta
9 Oil Palm Expansion and Peasant Environmental Justice Struggles in Colombia
Victoria Marin-Burgos
David Chinigò
11 Contesting Extractivism: Conceptual, Theoretical and Normative Reflections
Jonas Wolff
About the Author: Bettina Engels is Junior Professor for Conflict and African Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Together with Kristina Dietz, she is head of the junior research group 'Global Change - Local Conflicts?'. Her research focuses on conflict over land and resources, spatial and action theory, and resistance, urban protest, and social movements in Africa.
Kristina Dietz is head of the junior research group 'Global Change - Local Conflicts? conflicts over land in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa in the context of interdependent transformation processes' at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Her research and teaching focus on political ecology, conflicts over land and resources in Latin America, climate and energy policy, spatial and democracy theory.