About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Conservatism in the Americas From the Publisher Chapters: Conservatism in Canada, Conservatism in the United States, Strom Thurmond, William Randolph Hearst, Grover Cleveland, John Wayne, Clarence Thomas, Barry Goldwater, Jesse Helms, Christianism, William Rehnquist, Tea Party Movement, Parents Television Council, Glenn Beck, Alan Keyes, William F. Buckley, Jr., Drudge Report, Conservapedia, Tea Party Protests, Neoconservatism and Paleoconservatism, Republican and Conservative Support for Barack Obama in 2008, Mark Riebling, John Birch Society, Robert Taft, Conservative Democrat, Eurabia, Bob Grant, Black Conservatism in the United States, Taxpayer March on Washington, Council for National Policy, Red Tory, Regnery Publishing, Jonathan Krohn, Mallard Fillmore, 9-12 Project, Protest Warrior, Lewis Lehrman, Bourbon Democrat, Firing Line, the Laura Ingraham Show, Vdare, Anne Gorsuch Burford, the Integration of Theory and Practice, Oath Keepers, American Majority, Youth for Western Civilization, Patriot Movement, Cybercast News Service, Power Line, Matt Lewis, Conservative Political Action Conference, Contempo Magazine, Mark Dubowitz, William Thomas Quick, Calgary School, Katherine Kersten, Firehollywood, National Citizens Coalition, Prickly City, Theoconservatism, Christian Voice, Pennsylvania Leadership Conference, Richard Gilder, the Fox Nation, Blue Tory, Townhall.com, Threshold Editions, God and Man at Yale, Conservative Talk, Institute for Canadian Values, Tea Party Patriots, Canada Free Press, Mount Vernon Statement, List of Red Tories, Alberta Agenda, Harold Gray, Leave Us Alone Coalition, Utah Eagle Forum, Society for Sanity in Art, Robert Locke, Devin-Adair Publishing Company, Conservative Punk, Encounter Books, Sharon Statement, Pink Tory, the Enemy Within, Concerned Christians Canada Inc., ... More: http://booksllc.net/?id=133250 Synopsis Chapters: Conservatism in Canada, Conservatism in the United States, Strom Thu