A harmony must exist between spirituality and scientific discov- ery, and there can be no contradiction between one and the other. The discovery of the nature of the individual identity called "Being" is an intimate part of the common identity we call
The preparations we need to undertake that will facilitate our
destiny with the universal consciousness, and no matter from what perspective we happen to contemplate life, it gives us clues about a common destiny.
My arguments are based on the fact that everything in the cos- mos is made up of energy, and this energy has a purpose, meaning, and expression. Therefore, during my research, I have discovered some of this purpose, meaning, and expression in the vibrations of life we call sacred. We can observe this energy in the shape of things, their colour, and sound frequency, but we must be attuned to them. They manifest themselves in the things that are familiar to us, such as the well-recognised shapes of famous renderings like
Jack Veffer
Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, or the exquisite architecture - perfect in its proportions - of Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral, or the exquisitely proportioned shapes in nature, like the Nautilus shell or a flower, or the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore or the mathematics of Euclid. Unfortunately for some of us, these experi- ences pass by unnoticed, and we, therefore, stumble through life deprived of the signs that give meaning, beauty, and purpose to our existence.
Everything in the universe, whether it is matter or energy and existence itself, abides by at least two great sets of laws: the laws of thermodynamics and the laws of motion. In addition, some rules control the progress of our consciousness and the consciousness in the hereafter. The rules are not the same in this life as they are in the next. We have come to generally identify this consciousness as "soul". The soul has both a meaning and a purpose - the "what" and the "how". To facilitate the discovery of its intricacies, we must develop a fluid comprehension of consciousness.