"Congressional Authorizations and Appropriations" is part of the Government Series from TheCapitol.Net
A primary avenue for exercising Congress's power of the purse is the authorization and appropriation of federal spending to carry out government activities.
While the power over appropriations is granted to Congress by the U.S. Constitution, the authorization appropriation process is derived from House and Senate rules.
The formal process consists of two sequential steps: (1) enactment of an authorization measure that may create or continue an agency or program as well as authorize the subsequent enactment of appropriations; and (2) enactment of appropriations to provide funds for the authorized agency or program.
Summary of Contents
Ch. 1. Overview of the Authorization-Appropriations Process, by Bill Heniff Jr
Ch. 2. The Congressional Appropriations Process: An Introduction, by Sandy Streeter
Ch. 3. Supplemental Appropriations: Trends and Budgetary Impacts Since 1981, by Thomas L. Hungerford
Ch. 4. Examples of Legislative Provisions in Annual Appropriations Acts, by Robert Keith
Ch. 5. Earmark Disclosure Rules in the Senate: Member and Committee Requirements, by Megan Suzanne Lynch
Ch. 6. Earmark Disclosure Rules in the House: Member and Committee Requirements, by Megan Suzanne Lynch
Ch. 7. House and Senate Procedural Rules Concerning Earmark Disclosure, by Sandy Streeter
Ch. 8. "Federal Budget Process," by Bill Heniff Jr. and Robert Keith, Ch. 9 in the Congressional Deskbook
Ch. 9. Other Resources From TheCapitol.Net
Live Courses
Capitol Hill Workshop
Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations
Advanced Federal Budget Process
The President's Budget
The Defense Budget
Capitol Learning Audio Courses TM
The Appropriations Process in a Nutshell, ISBN: 1587330431
Authorizations and Appropriations in a Nutshell, ISBN: 1587330296
Ch. 10. Other Resources