In the bustling city of Los Angeles, Raymond and Sherry Moller have been living a happy life with their son Shane. The father-son duo shares a special bond until the night when two men break into their house and shoot Raymond, leaving him dead on the spot. Shane, who was hiding in a closet, witnesses his mother being kidnapped by the assailants. As he looks out of his bedroom window, he sees his mother being placed in a car and driven away.
Shane immediately calls the police, and two officers arrive at the scene. However, something seems off about them, and Shane senses that they are not to be trusted. When they ask him to get into their car, Shane's instincts kick in, and he runs away. As he makes his escape, he sees two uniformed officers lying dead in their cruiser.
With no idea what's going on, Shane returns to his house to look for clues. There, he finds pictures of himself from when he was younger but with a different name on his birth certificate. He also discovers an ID with his father's picture but a different name. As he delves deeper into the mystery, Shane learns that his parents were not his real parents but special agents with a covert protection unit that keeps young witnesses safe in the witness protection program for the federal U.S. Government.
It turns out that the people who killed his father were part of a terrorist group, Egyptian Islamic Jihad and Shane's real parents were executed by this organization while working deep cover. Although Shane escaped unscathed when he was only five years old, he has no memory of the incident. Now, as Shane runs for his life, he trusts no one, not even the cops. The Deep Cover Protection Unit (D.C.P.A.), the organization where his fake parents worked, was so secretive that no one knows anything about them.
Shane discovers that the only person who can help him is Amy Sawyer, the woman who was kidnapped and taken away by the terrorists. She is also the only one who has the key to his life. He must find her and rescue her before it's too late. As Shane embarks on this dangerous mission, he uncovers several plot twists that make him question everything he thought he knew.