About the Book
The present Dictionary contains over 100 000 terms, combinations, equivalents and meanings related to architecture, engineering geology, geodesy and cartography, organization, production and mechanization of building and construction jobs, civil and industrial engineering, as well as to typology of buildings and structures. The Dictionary also comprises the terminology concerning construction and building materials, line networks, transport and specialized vehicles and appliances. The basics of capital construction and safety rules to be observed on the sites are also represented in the Dictionary, as well as the terms related to designing and maintenance of the modern systems of ventilation, air conditioning, heating, water supply, plumbing and sewage. The Dictionary provides the terminology covering the drafting and compilation of the project and technical documents and construction of the objects of civil engineering made according to typical and individual projects. They include multistory office buildings and multiple dwellings, universal sports and amusement centers, multiplexes, as well as detached town houses. Found in the Dictionary are the terms covering some adjacent to building and construction fields: ecology, environmental protection, economics, marketing, real estate, landscape architecture and some others. All the terms for the present Dictionary were chosen from the specialized literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, monographs and the respective periodicals for building and construction. The Dictionary has been compiled to meet the needs of specialists who work in building and construction industry and other adjacent fields: architects, industry and landscape designers, engineers, servicemen, as well as students, postgraduates, instructors and professors of the respective universities, translators of the literature on building and construction. Nastojashhij slovar' soderzhit svyshe 100 000 terminov, sochetanij, jekvivalentov i znachenij po sledujushhej tematike: arhitekture, inzhenernoj geologii, geodezii, konstrukcijam, stroitel'nym materialam, inzhenernym kommunikacijam, transportu, proektirovaniju i ustanovke sovremennyh sistem ventiljacii, kondicionirovanija, vodosnabzhenija, otoplenija i kanalizacii, jekologii, jekonomike, marketingu, nedvizhimosti, dizajnu okruzhajushhej sredy, podgotovke proektnoj, tehnicheskoj i kadastrovoj dokumentacii po ob''ektam grazhdanskogo, obshhestvennogo i promyshlennogo stroitel'stva. Slovar' mozhet byt' polezen specialistam, rabotajushhim v oblasti stroitel'stva: arhitektoram, dizajneram, inzheneram, konstruktoram, a takzhe studentam, aspirantam, prepodavateljam sootvetstvujushhih uchebnyh zavedenij i perevodchikam, svjazannym s literaturoj po dannoj tematike.