About the Book
Tobacco-Climate, Temperature, Varieties, Selection of Seed, Irrigation, Fertilizer Application, Transplanting Method of Planting, Weed Control, Tobacco Curing and Grading (Cigar Wrapper Tobacco, Chewing and Hookah Tobacco, Cigar Fitter Tobacco, Jati and Motihari Tobacco Natu Tobacco, Bidi Tobacco, Gutkha Manufacturing, Characteristics and usage, Khaini Manufacture, Difference between Khaini, Zarda, and Gutka, Qiwam (Kimam),Snuff, Pan Masala Processing Manufacturing, Composition from Betel Leaves, Types of Smokeless Tobacco (Gul. Khaini, Pan Masala and Zarda) Smokeless Tobacco Production), Smokeless Tobacco (Chewing Tobacco Products), Hookah Tobacco (Shisha or Waterpipe Tobacco), Manufacturing, Hookah (Waterpipe) Tobacco and Shisha Charcoal Tablet Making, Details of Raw Materials (Betel Nuts, Catechu, Lime, Sweetness Materials, Flavours and Freshness, Spices and other Materials), Types and Procurement of Tobacco, Gutka Manufacture (Crushing, Reformation, Preparation and Manufacturing Formulations), Pan Masala Manufacture with Formulations (Plant Set up, Raw Materials, Investment, Manufacturing Formulae and Preparing Methods), Chatni and Paste Manufacture (Process of Mixing of Materials for Taste and Essence with formulae for Chatni and Packaging Techniques), Khaini Manufacture, Mixture Preparation and Coating, Mainpuri, Sadi Patti and Desi Khaini Manufacture with Formulations, Various Formulations on Tobacco and its Flavours (Formula for Zarda Manufacture, Tobacco Manufacture, Kimam Manufacture, Cigarette Flavouring Extract, Chewing Tobacco with Perfume Formula, Manufacture of Surti, Process of Zarda and Kimam, Technology of Zarda Manufacture with Formulations (Pruning, Drying, Colouring, Cutting, Crushing, Odour Removing & Essence Mixing, Zafarani Zarda Manufacture, Kimam Manufacture with Formulations, Kimam Flakes and Muskdana with Manufacturing Process and Formulae, Snuff Manufacture with Formula in Powder & Paste Form, Cigarette Manufacture