About the Book
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Install and service all types of electronic security systems like the pros do (or should)!Whether you're a security professional who needs to know the latest technologies, or a homeowner who wants to make smart, money-saving decisions to protect your home and family, The Complete Book of Electronic Security tells you what you need to know.
Bill Phillips, a world renowned security expert, has written the most comprehensive and practical guidebook available on installing, buying, selling, and troubleshooting electronic security systems. You'll find step-by-step, crystal-clear installation instructions for:
Intruder and fire alarm systems
Access control systems
Home automation systems
Closed-circuit TV
And more
Bill uses over 200 photos, drawings, and at-a-glance tips to make the material easy to understand. For the most complete coverage possible, he also includes:
Contributions from over a dozen of the world's leading security experts
Practical job-finding and career-building tips
A sample certification test used in the United States and Canada
Advice on starting and running an electronic security business
A comprehensive glossary and lists of manufacturers, suppliers, and associations
The Complete Book of Electronic Security contains a wealth of practical information for security officers, alarm system installers, security consultants, building contractors, locksmiths, and homeowners.
Written by a top security expert who knows what you would ask, and gives direct, easy-to-understand answers!
About the Author: Bill Phillips is president of the International Association of Home Safety and Security Professionals, and author of 10 security-related books, including McGraw-Hill's The Complete Book of Locks; Locksmithing, 5th Edition (the world's best-selling locksmithing book). His physical and electronic security articles have appeared in the World Book Encyclopedia, Consumers Digest, Home Mechanix (former Security editor), Locksmith Ledger Intl. (former contributing editor), The Los Angeles Times, Security Dealer and hundreds of trade and general circulation publications.