In our world today, good communication plays an essential role in our success in the workplace and in our personal life. Leaders who know how to communicate effectively with those around them will see better productivity and improved relationships in every aspect of their lives.
COMPELLING COMMUNICATION involves knowing how to listen attentively. It's the ability to offer empathy, open-mindedness, and helpful feedback based on what you hear. Also, a friendly demeanor, confidence, and quality nonverbal communication will also help you, as a manager, develop good relationships with the members of your team.
MURRAY CHAPMAN is an professional Journalist that has held series of seminar on how to communicate effectively and for good of all, has decided to write the book COMPLELLING COMMUNNICATION.
Let's explore some benefits of compelling communication you will see in- and outside your office when you take the time to nurture these skills.
1. Building trust
COMPELLING COMMUNICATION fosters trust with others. Your ability to listen attentively and embrace different points of view helps others trust that you are making optimal decisions for everyone in the group. As you serve as a role model, this trust will extend to your team and they will feel as though they can trust their teammates to fulfill their duties and responsibilities.
2. Preventing or resolving problems
The ability to communicate effectively plays a large role in resolving conflicts and preventing potential ones from arising. The key is to remain calm, make sure all parties are heard and find a solution that is ideal for everyone involved.
3. Providing clarity and direction
With effective communication skills, you're able to deliver clear expectations and objectives for your team. This involves finding constructive ways to point out when something isn't working as well as providing helpful feedback to get people back on track. They will understand their specific tasks and responsibilities, as well as those of their teammates, which will help eliminate conflicts and confusion.
4. Creates better relationships
Good communication also improves relationships, both with employees and in your personal life with friends and family members. Listening carefully and offering quality feedback helps people to feel heard and understood. This, in turn, nurtures mutual respect.
5. Increases engagement
With people feeling more confident in their work and in their understanding of what they need to do, they become more engaged with their work as a whole. According to a recent study exploring the psychology of employee engagement, only 15% of adult employees are engaged with their employers. By prioritizing compelling communication, you can increase engagement, and thus boost satisfaction, among your team members.
6. Improves productivity
When team members understand their roles, the roles of others and your expectations, they can focus more on their work and less on workplace issues. With effective communication, conflicts are resolved quickly, employees can better manage their workload and distractions are minimized. These benefits contribute to greater productivity for you and your team.
I therefore encourage you to buy this book for your good.