You want to grow your business, but the practicalities of keeping the doors open keep getting in the way. Between constant competition for customers, finding and training employees, and maintaining your profit margin, growth often seems like a pipe dream.
There's another way. Acquisitions can turn your business dreams into reality. With twenty years' experience as an acquisitions intermediary, John Martinka knows the ins and outs of the industry. In Company Growth by Acquisition Makes Dollars & Sense, he guides you through the strategies you need to purchase and nurture additional business interests.
Starting with nineteen compelling reasons to consider growth through acquisition, Martinka explains how to find the "hidden" market: businesses not actively listed for sale but open to offers. He covers financing, deal structure, due diligence, valuation, and how to build a winning transition plan. Most importantly, he shows you how to get the deal done so you can reap the profits.
From financing options to the importance of developing a positive relationship with sellers, Martinka offers a nine-step process to grow your business through the exciting world of acquisitions-all supported by real-life examples and interviews. If you're ready to grow your business, you need this book.
About the Author: Known as the Escape Artist, John Martinka has helped over a hundred clients with buy-sell transactions. He has a talent for increasing a company's values through acquisitions and helping clients buy the right business at the right time.
Martinka has twenty years' experience as an intermediary and is the cofounder of the "Partner" On-Call Network. His work in business acquisition and sales earned him board approval from the Society for Advancement of Consulting.
The author of If They Can Sell Pet Rocks Why Can't You Sell Your Business (for What You Want)? and Buying a Business That Makes You Rich, Martinka maintains an online presence at For more information on his services, visit his website or e-mail him at