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Communication Skills : For Anna University

Communication Skills : For Anna University



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About the Book


  • Learn Voice over IP basics with this reader-friendly guide
  • No previous knowledge required to learn the basics of this advancing telephony technology
  • Learn from standard features from the First-Step Series like case studies, tips, pre- and post- chapter reviews
  • NEW—The text has been made independent of any software package.
  • NEW—All examples and case studies have been redone, and some expanded to make their presentations more detailed.
  • NEW—The numbers of problems has been increased by roughly 25%.
  • NEW—Some sections of the text have included augmented figures, discussion or explanation.
  • May be used without the accompanying software and models with no detriment to understanding.
  • Uses a student-oriented approach that is accessible, yet does not over simplify difficult concepts and issues.
  • Features thinkers that represent most of the important theorists in the Western tradition.
  • Organizes theorists historically — from pre-Socratic philosophers to those of the contemporary era — with general historical context provided for each.
  • Explores an overarching theme throughout —the changing relationships of ethics and politics in Western political thought from Socrates to the present time.
  • Adds a chapter on Cicero that includes a substantial introduction to the major Hellenistic political philosophies as well as an historical overview of the events surrounding the rise of the Roman Empire.
  • Expands coverage of St. Augustine to include a discussion of some of the key political ideas of the Roman Empire as well as a more detailed analysis of St. Augustine's theocratic theory of the state
  • Briefly describes John of Salisbury (in the St. Thomas chapter) important as a late medieval pre-Aristotelian thinker.
  • Adds a section on patriarchy and the political exclusion of women in Locke's theory of contract.
  • Concludes with an analysis of contemporary political ideologies — from Burke through Marx and the rise of modern nationalism.
  • NEW—updates the chapter on Marx to reflect the demise of Soviet and East European communism and the current “death of communism” debate
  • Cites classic, mainstream sources in footnotes and bibliography.
  • Explains the architecture, instruction and internal resource in 8051 in detail.
  • Provides insight into the use of the RTOS, IPCs, IDE, software building blocks, interrupt handling mechanism, timers for the real time control and synchronization.
  • Lucid explanation of the 8251, 8255, 8237, 8279, 8259, and ADC and DAC peripherals.
  • Describes a number of interfacing circuits, namely, for keys, LCD displays, printers, flash memory, coils, stepper and dc motors, servomotors, optical encoders, process control, robots, power control and DSP systems.
  • Prepares students for applications of 8051 as well as 68HC11, 80x96 and ARM family microcontrollers
  • Contains a large number of examples
  • Summary, definition of key terms, review questions and practice exercises at the end of each chapter.
  • Learning goals through Objectives
  • Overview of the chapter through Introduction
  • Recap of concepts through solved examples
  • Application of concepts through Exercises
  • Real-world applications through Critical Thinking Exercises
About the Authors
M. B. Shah is a professor of mechanical engineering and the principal of Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai. B. C. Rana was an assistant professor at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute.Features
  • Demonstrates clearly why a 10x productivity gain can be expected by automating system design tasks.
  • Introduces the new specify-explore-refine paradigm, presently being used in industry in an ad-hoc manner, but never formally described.
  • Presents new methods and techniques — e.g., for translation, partitioning, exploration, refinement.
  • Outlines conceptual models designed to help readers in selecting the proper model to describe their systems; and specification languages to help them select the proper language for specification of their products.
  • Features a complete specification of a model product and demonstrates how to write the specification from an English description.
  • Contains an extensive bibliography that covers the most recent developments in the field.
For MBA and Executive MBA strategy courses. Pankaj Ghemawat, respected and renowned Harvard Business School Professor, has designed and written a brief strategy text designed to help students master a body of analytical tools and develop an integrative point of view when making strategic choices. Q: What is the biggest struggle working professionals face in your course? The books brief size makes it ideal for the working professional who lacks the time a full time MBA student has for studying. Other Advantages Q: How do you integrate courses into your course?
    NEW — Case Map
  • Allows for more case flexibility for students and professor, while providing suggested case studies.
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Rewritten material on satellites—Includes their history; orbits; elevation categories; orbital patterns; and antenna look angles.
  • Materials in the Fundamentals chapters on AM envelopes—Produced by complex nonsinusoidal signals, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation, noise limiters and blankers, alternate signal-to-noise measurements, single-sideband suppressed carrier, frequency division multiplexing, double-sideband suppressed carrier, quadrature multiplexing, microstrip, and stripline.
  • Material in the Advanced chapters—On trellis encoding, CCITT modem recommendations, PCM line speed, extended superframe format, wavelength division multiplexing, Kepler's laws, Clark orbits, limits of visibility, Satellite Radio Navigation and Navstar GPS.
  • Optical fiber communications has been moved from Chapter 20 to Chapter 11—Includes new sections on light sources, optical power, optical sources and link budget.
  • After you have studied this lesson… lists topics to be discussed in the chapter.
  • Step-by-step guidelines on new topics ensure a clearer understanding of the topics.
  • Dialogue between young learners highlights practical problems before giving the solutions.
  • Remember makes the learner aware of computer etiquettes.
  • Activities, Examples and Learning games are provided to reinforce learning and understanding.
  • Tech Talk provides a glossary of computer-related terms with their meanings.
  • Revision tests the knowledge and applications of the chapter learnt.
  • Pedagogical features include Common Mistakes boxes, step-by-step examples, and Concept Check
  • Focus on modern research and practice
  • Use of Indian examples like RBI, ICICI, TATA Motors, Infosys, CRISIL & TATA Nano
  • Excellent instructors’ and students’ support package in the form of solution manual, instructors’ manual, PowerPoint presentations, MyFinanceLab, and a study guide
  • Global example boxes have been added throughout the text
  • Case studies have been used in the book to explain and illustrate how companies are successfully using the key drivers of the supply chain
  • Appendices in chapters help students understand supply chain concepts like safety inventory calculations and inventory cost consequences of variability demand
  • Key points have been used in the chapters to summarize the important concepts studied
  • Use of Indian examples like Jaipur Rugs, Asian Paints, OM Logistics, Simbhaoli Sugar, Subhiksha and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
  • NEW! Chapter 6 is focused on the design of global supply chain networks
  • The discussion of globalization in Chapter 14 on sourcing has been expanded
Agile guru Mike Cohn delivers the most practical guide to starting fast with Agile, and succeeding for the long haul
  • Presents detailed, step-by-step guidance for 60+ tasks that can help software organizations become more agile
  • Thoroughly covers people, process, and product: everything from scaling Agile and using it in outsourced/offshored environments to overcoming resistance
  • Helps organizations improve Agile processes they've already implemented, to build better software and drive more value
  • Adorable Characters Aladini, Anjali and Aryan introduce the topics that will be learnt in each chapter
  • Quick Questions and Check Your Progress questions interspersed with the text for quick self-testing help in the formative assessment
  • Quick Fact provides interesting tidbits of information related to the topic at hand
  • Quick Tip presents useful alternative options/shortcuts for performing operations
  • Recap Time at the end of each chapter for quick and easy recapitulation
  • Assessment Time contains carefully graded exercises to test the knowledge of concepts learnt. Besides, these can also be used for summative assessment.
  • Activity Time for practical hands-on exercises to strengthen the understanding and to hone computer skills
  • Notes for the Teacher contain suggestions on how to introduce the various topics
  • Project Work, sample Olympiad Questions and Tech Terms have been included
  • Free Poster for classes 1 and 2
An essential guide to IPv6 concepts, service implementation, and interoperability in existing IPv4 environments.
  • Learn about IPv6 services and the relevant IPv6 features that make them possible
  • Plan, deploy, and manage IPv6 services at the production level in existent IPv4 networks
  • Configure and troubleshoot IPv6 networks
About the Authors
Ciprian P. Popoviciu, PhD, CCIE® No. 4499, is a technical leader within the Networked Solutions Integration Test Engineering (NSITE) group at Cisco Systems®. As part of NSITE, Ciprian was the lead on several projects including IPv6 Deployments and Solutions to which he contributed architecture, implementation, and evaluation guidance. Eric Levy-Abegnoli is a technical leader in the IP Technologies Engineering group at Cisco®, where he is the technical lead for IPv6 development in the Cisco IOS Software. Eric has worked with the Cisco IPv6 implementation since 2001 and has been involved in some of the largest IPv6 deployments. Patrick Grossetete, manager of product management at Cisco, is responsible for a suite of Cisco IOS Software technologies including IPv6 and IP Mobility. He is a member of the IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate and manages the participation of Cisco in the Forum.Features
  • Three new chapters—‘Financial Environment in India’, ‘Emerging Methods of Financing’, and ‘Corporate Governance and Sustainability’
  • Several new case studies from companies like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Hero Honda Motors, Apollo Tyres and Reliance Power
  • Extensive coverage of relevant topics such as efficient markets, share repurchase, empirical evidence, annuity, electronic funds transfers and loan pricing.
  • Expanded coverage of topics like time value of money, methods of capital budgeting, leverage-financial and operating, inventory management and receivables management
  • A CD-ROM containing MS Excel and Minitab data file for all the problems presented in the book.
  • Research in Action confers the readers with the ability to link concepts in the chapter with the real time practices of the industry.
  • The inclusion of Indian case studies provides a relatable and comprehendible platform for the students to apply in actual industrial situations.
  • Multivariate analysis computation difficulties are minimized by implementing solutions through software’s.
  • Extensive use of explanatory dialog boxes reinforces critical concepts providing simple descriptions for complex theories.
  • Covers all topics comprehensively and systematically
  • Numerous multiple-choice questions
  • Five full-length model question papers
  • Examples solved in a logical and step-wise manner
A concise introduction to storage networking protocols
  • Introduces network administrators to the requirements of storage protocols
  • Compares and contrasts the basic functionality of Ethernet, IP, and Fibre Channel
  • The Fundamental series from Cisco Press provides readers basis for understanding the purpose, application, and management of technologies

·         New Examples and problem sets

·         A section on building blocks that provides various rules of English grammar and word lists

·         Over 8,000 multiple-choice questions for practice

·         Scientifically designed and time-bound exercises called Speed Maximizer Sector (SMSs) to boost preparation levels

·         Vocabulary and English-usage tests, reading comprehension tests and composite tests

·         More than 50 solved full-length test papers

·         MCQ Bin

  • Invaluable for all competitive exams like the NDA, CDS, SSC Graduate, SSC Matric, CPF, Bank Probationary Officers Exams, MBA, Hotel Management, NTSE, MAT and SCRA examinations
  • Comprehensive word lists, including context-specific usage
  • Twenty-Twenty power drills that help build speed and accuracy
  • Hit Parades: Collections of vocabulary-based questions from different entrance exams
  • Over 4,000 practice questions
  • 'MCQ Bin' offering a wide range of questions
  • Features
    Maximize end-point security with Cisco Security Agent
    • Eases the complexity of CSA installation and management
    • Helps users maximize their CSA investment and the security of their end-point systems
    • Provides a structured approach to host IPS planning and installation
    • Includes hard-to-find information on advanced CSA feature deployment
    • Presents real-world expertise gathered from field installations
    • Each chapter starts with a vignette called Communication at Work, which provides a snapshot of some of the key issues addressed in the chapter.
    • Communication Snapshots and Exhibits illustrate samples of written business communication and explain them in detail.
    • Margin notes highlight important definitions and facts, and draw attention to the learning objectives covered in a particular section.
    • Review Your Learning questions, Reflect on Your Learning questions, and Self-check Your Learning questions provide a host of practice questions for students to improve their chapter concepts and analytical skills.
    • Includes four university model question papers, and solutions for two of them.

    Table of Contents:
    • Preface
    • About the Authors
    Case Study: The Profile of an Effective Communicator
    1. The Nature and Process of Communication
    2. Organizational Communication
    3. Intercultural Communication Skills
    1. Oral Communication
    2. Conversation Skills
    3. Listening
    4. Non-verbal Communication
    5. Written Business Communication
    1. Business Letters, Memos, and E-mails
    2. Report Writing
    1. Presentation Skills
    2. CVs, Personal Interviews, and Group Discussions
    3. Writing a Summer Project Report
    4. Miscellaneous Topics
    • Solved Model Question Papers

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    Product Details
    • ISBN-13: 9788131764985
    • Publisher: Pearson
    • Binding: Paperback
    • Weight: 500 gr
    • ISBN-10: 8131764982
    • Publisher Date: 2012
    • Edition: 1

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