Buy a new version of this Connected Casebook and receive access to the online e-book, practice questions from your favorite study aids, and an outline tool on CasebookConnect, the all in one learning solution for law school students. CasebookConnect offers you what you need most to be successful in your law school classes-- portability, meaningful feedback, and greater efficiency.
This looseleaf version of the Connected Casebook does not come with a binder.
Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach explores the nuances of transaction law from a systems' perspective, examining the infrastructure that supports commercial transactions and how lawyers apply the law in real-world situations. The outstanding team of co-authors uses an assignment-based structure that allows professors to adapt the text to a variety of class levels and approaches. Well-crafted problems challenge students' understanding of the material in this comprehensive, highly teachable text.
New to the Seventh Edition:
- 25 new cases spread across all three major parts of the text
- More than 50 new problems in the Sales material
- Updated and revised discussion of proceeds issues in bankruptcy
- Revisions through the book to reflect new technologies
Professors and students will benefit from:
- Easy-to-teach materials with class sessions that flow naturally from bite-sized assignments, each with a problem set
- Comprehensive Teachers' Manual that provides answers to every question we ask
- Accessible authors who are happy to interact directly and on short notice with adopters
- Assignment structure that makes it easy to select topics for coverage
- The opportunity for adopters to become characters in the book
- Information-rich, concise text
- Clear explanations of the law and institutions - no hiding of the ball
- Having all the information students need to solve the problems
- A focus on the things students need to know to succeed in their future jobs
- A real-life approach that prepares students for practice
CasebookConnect features:
Law school comes with a lot of reading, so access your enhanced e-book anytime, anywhere to keep up with your coursework. Highlight, take notes in the margins, and search the full text to quickly find coverage of legal topics.
Quiz yourself before class and prep for your exam in the Study Center. Practice questions from Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel Law in a Flash flashcards, and other best-selling study aid series help you study for exams while tracking your strengths and weaknesses to help optimize your study time.
Most professors will tell you that starting your outline early is key to being successful in your law school classes. The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into an editable format to accelerate your outline creation and increase study time later in the semester.