This Commentary helps bring more joy and peace into your life, because it shows you a new and different way to live the devotion to Mary which St. Louis-Marie de Montfort taught.
This devotion may be new to you, because St. Louis calls it...
"...a mystery of grace unknown to even the wisest and most spiritual among Christians" ("True Devotion to Mary", #21).
The fact that this devotion is so little-known is the reason why so many good Catholics don't appear to be joyful or at peace.
Because St. Louis also pointed out:
"It is true that we can attain to divine union by other roads; but it is by many more crosses and exceptional setbacks, and with many more difficulties, which we shall find it hard to overcome" (True Devotion, #152).
The good news is your life doesn't have to be that hard, because St. Louis calls this devotion to Mary...
"...a path of roses and honey compared with the other paths" (True Devotion, #152).
And he promises you...
"Experience will teach you much more about this devotion than I can tell you; and if you remain faithful to the little I have taught you, you will find so many rich fruits of grace in this practice that you will be surprised and filled with joy" ("The Secret of Mary", #53).
This book shows you completely new and different ways to practice this devotion. It explains it so well that the Montfort Fathers declared...
"The "Commentary on the Treatise on the True Devotion" points out everything the reader must know or remember in order to penetrate completely the immortal masterpiece of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. It is an essential book for whoever desires to learn the Perfect Devotion."
The less obvious something about this devotion to Mary is, the more thoroughly this Commentary deals with it. That's why the Montfort Fathers stated that it...
"...furnishes to readers everything they must know in order to understand and appreciate the doctrine of Bl. Louis-Marie de Montfort."
St. Louis emphasized that this devotion...
" a path trodden by Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, our sole Head" (True Devotion, #168).
That's why he insists:
"We must draw the whole world, if we can, to her service and to this true and solid devotion" (True Devotion, #265).
You know the Church calls Mary the "Queen of peace" and the "Cause of our joy".
Mary knows life isn't always easy, and how it can feel nearly impossible to "count it all joy, when you encounter various trials" (James 1:2). And like a good mother, she wants to be by your side, to help you experience joy and peace in the midst of life's inevitable trials, because...
Mary Loves You More Than All Mothers Combined
St. Louis says...
"She loves them tenderly, and more tenderly than all other mothers put together. Throw, if you can, all the natural love which all the mothers of the world have for their children into the one heart of one mother for one only child. Nevertheless, it is true that Mary loves her children yet more tenderly than that mother would love that child of hers" (True Devotion, #202).
Mary wants nothing more than to unite you with her Son, the Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6), so "that your joy may be full" (Jn. 16:24).
That's why St. Louis emphasizes:
"The strongest inclination of Mary is to unite us to Jesus Christ her Son; and the strongest inclination of the Son is that we should come to Him by His holy Mother" (True Devotion, #75).
And that's what he says she does in this devotion.
"She unites them to Him with a most intimate union, and she keeps them unshaken in that union" (True Devotion, #211).
Mary is ready to start helping you use this new way of practicing devotion to her, so she can unite you to her Son - it's up to you to say WHEN. Why not let her get started today?