These are beautiful poems, rich in images of soul, nature, and spiritual guidance, joyful and elegiac.
-Anne Lamott, author of 11 New York Times bestsellers
Luminous considerations of life, death-and the sweet, mysterious territories that stretch between, grace Collette Sell's light and wonder-filled poems. Her poems fling wide doors of warm welcome, inviting us in to ponder with her. Her richly nuanced poetry is studded with shimmering images and lyrical, finely crafted language -scarlet pips of pomegranates, theopal eye of the trumpet swan, shoulders of a much-embroidered coat... This is poetry of deep spiritual seeking and insight, poetry we read eagerly, thirsting for her next line and the one after that, each intimate and immediate. Passionately, Sell asks, "Why is no one crying at the beauty and the burden?" This poet rewards her reader; her seeking is our seeking, her findings so generously offered, to us.
"Collette Sell's brilliant new collection is like nothing you've ever read."
-Alexander Levering Kern, editor of Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality & the Arts
"How can we not cry Take me with you! to Collette Sell for these beautiful, generous, dangerous, infinitely tender poems?"
-Ruth Kirschner, playwright, poet