[1st Edition]
"The Collected Works Volume VII" by Philip Mazeikas is a body of work in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, biochemistry, biology, biophysics, botany, chaos, contraband, design, ecology, economics, engineering, espionage, ethics, evolution, fable, fashion, feminism, field, genetics, history, intelligence, invention, I.T., journalism, language, medical science, medicine, method, ministry, morphology, mysticism, mythology, naturalism, neuroscience, phenomena, philosophy, physics, police, politics, protocol, psychiatry, psychology, religion, rights, sexuality, sociology, study, system, the state, tolerance, toy, woman, writing, and zoology.
The Collected Works Volume VII includes a biochemistry theory for microbial joule as well as an engineering postulate for the artificial moon.
The Collected Works Volume VII includes a genetics theory entitled "Ionic REM". It is as follows:
"Axial dimension upon premeasure of dimension of joule frequency of nuclear intermediary of acidic integrity, defines absolute integer."