[1st Edition]
"The Collected Works Volume VI" by Philip Mazeikas is a body of work in the fields of anthropology, biology, business, chemistry, design, economics, education, engineering, espionage, essay, evolution, fable, field, industry, invention, I.T., language, law, mathematics, medical science, philosophy, physics, politics, protocol, psychology, report, romance, security, sociology, study, and war.
The Collected Works Volume VI includes a field of a composite science of physics, biology, and chemistry, as well as a political theorem for volatile nations.
The Collected Works Volume VI includes a study of the sword. It is as follows:
"Designation upon variant inference upon inclusive determinant of absolute disjunction of innate conglomerate of militant preemptive affirmation of determinant disclosure of emanation of pretense of discord enters conjunctive armament upon innate directive of absolute premise."