[1st Edition]
"The Collected Works Volume II" by Philip Mazeikas is a body of work in the fields of anthropology, architecture, design, economics, education, engineering, evolution, fashion, government, invention, language, mathematics, medical science, philosophy, physics, psychology, and toys.
The Collected Works Volume II includes an evolutionary theorem for abiogenesis as well as hypothesized remittal for the heart attack.
The Collected Works Volume II includes an engineering postulate entitled "Colossus". It is as follows:
"Intermittent resolve upon gravitational inert quotient of static prelocated derivative of interposed measure enters intermittent juncture upon interval of congruent axis.
Postulate derived upon instantaneous measure of static juncture upon dislocation of variable frequency enters dimensional threshold.
Juncture upon interval of static dissension of intermittent value reposed beyond integral axis of deposed function of directive of field enters insequence.
Pressure upon integral value deferred upon instantaneous measure defines postulate.
Dissension of threshold of intermediary field denies congruence of stasis upon inverse longitudinal variable measure.
Dislocation of function of threshold upon determined gravitational deference of interposition of field denies threshold.
Axis of deferred congruence enters dislimit."