Have you ever been going through your daily life when suddenly, uncontrollably, you are hit with a massive wave of panic?
No matter how hard you try to control it, the panic overwhelms you, taking control over your body, and sending you plunging into a full-blown panic attack. Your heart is pounding and your ears are ringing and you are entirely convinced that you are about to die.
If that has ever happened to you, have you always wanted to control it?
To develop a method to enable you to control those feelings of panic?
There is, in fact, something just for you:
Cognitive-behavioral therapy seeks to solve the feelings of panic and anxiety, recognizing that people are inherently driven by a constant feedback loop of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. During that loop, you are constantly engaged in a cycle of your thoughts, feeding your feelings, which feed your behaviors. When that loop is dysfunctional or negative, the negativity is pervasive throughout your entire life, causing you endless problems in all aspects. Your relationships may struggle, or you may feel endless anxiety symptoms.
If you are ready to take control of your life once and for all, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety is here to help. This book will provide you with all of the necessary details to understand and control your anxiety, seeking to gain control of that constant feedback cycle once and for all. In managing to change your thoughts through a process known as cognitive reconstructing, in which you literally rewire your thought processes into something more productive or conducive to success, you can hijack that entire feedback cycle, turning it from negative and unproductive into something positive and pleasant that puts you on track for success.
Within this book, you will find the following:
- A definition of what cognitive-behavioral therapy entails and how best to use it to your benefit, focusing on the key principles, how it works, and how best to utilize it
- Working profiles of anxiety and fears, focusing on the key differences, as well as phobias and how all can be debilitating if left uncontrolled
- How to best defeat anxiety and ensure you get the best results out of this process
- How to identify core values and scan them for negative thought patterns
- How to develop CBT-approved goals that are SMART-think SMARTER, not harder!
- How to engage in cognitive restructuring
- Several different methods CBT therapists everywhere prefer and love, including roleplaying, mindfulness, worst-case scenario planning, affirmations, challenging negative thoughts, and more
- A working list of the 15 most common cognitive distortions that likely plague your mind
- How to face your fears and take control of your life once and for all
- A guide through managing anxiety, worry, panic, and anger
- And more!