If you feel as though you regularly deal with a greater than average amount of anxiety, you are far from alone...
Anxiety disorders are among the most commonly diagnosed mental-illnesses in the United States and take many forms.
Knowing about an issue and dealing with it are two entirely different things, however, which is why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety was written to help those dealing with unresolved anxiety issues put their anxiety in its place once and for all.
Anxiety is a tricky beast that rarely runs alone.
The majority of anxiety diagnoses are accompanied with other mental illnesses, such as depression. In many ways, they all have something in common and treating one can treat them all.
There are medical treatments for anxiety disorders, but this book doesn't focus on those, instead, it focuses on activities that you can get started on by yourself that have proven an effective means of dealing with anxiety for countless other individuals before you.
The book is broken up into 13 chapters or rules, that are known to relieve anxiety in certain segments of the population, while you don't have to follow all 13, when you find the ones that work for you it is important you stick with them to the point that they become habit, otherwise they ultimately won't do you any good.
While the early chapters offer a wide variety of tips on things like improving the quality of your sleep and starting to exercise if you haven't in a while, the second half focuses on a form of therapy. It's relatively new in the timeline of things, having been recognized and practiced since the 1970s. It's called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, often shortened to CBT, and its greatest asset is that it teaches you the skills you need to curb and control your anxiety in and out of a professional therapy setting.
Here's what you'll learn with this book:
● Why Do You Need To Analyze Your Anxiety Situation.
● The 4 Fundamental Activities To Overcome Anxiety.
● How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help You Eliminate This problem From Your Life.
● The Number 1 Chemical Element That Will Make You Feel Better Right Away.
● How To Get Out of a Loop (Which Not Everyone Knows) That Affects Most of The World's Population.
● And Many Other Quality Content!
So, what are you waiting for? Put your anxiety in its place once and for all..