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Do you want to improve your self-esteem and confidence?
Being shy is a common problem for many people, affecting children, teenagers and adults alike. Depending on our history, we will all have a varying level of shyness integrated into our personality. For some people, it may rear its head when you meet new people and for others it may only exist around those you look up to or have strong feelings towards.
Shyness is something that will have affected us all at some point in our lives and this book will provide a crash course in the acceptance of this feeling, a guide to dealing with it head on and provide a number of proven techniques that will aid you in combatting shyness - allowing you to go forth into the world and talk to anyone you wish to talk to.
Understanding your level of shyness, learning to accept it and essentially become one with it. Some tips may help.
The aim is to teach you that communication is about more than just speaking. Like any new experience, there may be stress and the occasional gaffe when you first start, but you need to believe that these are normal. By merely being present, things will improve, sometimes invisibly, as you become more accustomed to social situations. I hope this book gives you all the help you need.
Being shy doesn't have to be the end of the road. It does not have to be a part of you that holds you back. Take responsibility for your shyness, shake it by the collar and say goodbye to it once and for all!
This book contains steps and strategies on how to recognize the signs and symptoms of individuals with social anxiety, the methods we can employ to alleviate social anxiety, and the types of professional help those with social anxiety can seek.
People who suffer from social anxiety usually never live life to the fullest. They do have their energy bursts - times when they feel they can conquer the world - but as soon as they snap out of it, they're sitting right where they were sitting months or even years ago. Of course, social anxiety is inescapable and definitely realistic, but there are ways to stop it from overpowering your life. Have you ever wondered how the presidents of other countries, how the other notables manage to live their lives by balancing pressure, anxiety, and personal lives?
This book covers:
- What is Social Anxiety?
- Methods You Can Employ to Alleviate Social Anxiety
- Therapies and Treatments for Social Anxiety
And much more!!!
Take this book as your guide to fight against the war of worry. Written for those who've tried absolutely everything to overcome social anxiety, but have failed, I've left out all the boring details to bring you a fresh perspective and included personal quotes from people who have successfully overcome social anxiety.
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