Many people want to be intelligent, others have decided to become smart, while others believe they already are; however, what is the use of intelligence if it is not to help society to be better?
- This book is not a fantasy that can awaken madness in its readers, but a projection of their lives in their families and the impact of their families in their lives; a projection of their lives in society and the impact of society on their lives; a projection of their lives in life and the impact of life on their own lives. This first volume deals with intelligence as the powered orientation of society, the shadow of the great universal successes and the only tool to live in peace with yourselves and with others.
- In what extent have you failed in something, a decision, a thought, a fact or an act performed or not, in acting or not acting? In what measure have you failed in your daily lives, in the lives of your families and in the life of your society? Or to what extent have your families, friends and society failed you? In what way have you been disappointed to the measure mortifying yourselves, destroying your projects, your state of mind, changing in you the being that you had always thought you were?
- How many mistakes have you made from many perspectives, either in social, economic, sentimental, political, educational, and institutional decisions, national and international, or in the creation of new projects and philosophies, among others? From these questions arises the nuclear part of this first volume. To what or to whom do you toss all these faults? Why and how do you blame them? Since when and until when will you continue to blame yourselves or others? Is it worth continuing to blame whoever it is, or whatever?
And after that, what will happen?
This book can provide you mental lucidity, psychological-socio-economic capacities, political, educational discernment, among other things, and can open new doors in life and close other doors that were unnecessarily opened a long time ago, which today, at present, need to be closed in your lives, put under chains. It is you who must decide who should enter and who should leave; who should never enter and who should never leave. This book may even teach you that even you must enter through that door of your own lives, and even if you must go through one of those doors ... and even yourselves, sometimes, must not enter or exit through any of those doors.
This first volume of The Codes of Intelligence includes, in part, the effect of knowledge, wisdom, law, principles and intelligence, in a way of questions without direct answers, and very curious answers that may generate a number of doubts in regards to human being and society. There are thousands of codes for acquiring intelligence or to become intelligent.
When we think, when we speak, when we act, when we respond, when we perform some kind of tasks or business activities; when we invent, when we plan, when we judge, when we work, when we play, when we belong to a religion or when we are atheists, when we have a family, when we correct, when we doubt, when we believe in something or someone, when we make mistakes, when we love, when we try, when we share etc., we always act under some kind of effect. An effect can be negative, positive, or both at the same time. It can also depend on other effects that predominate in the behavior of the human being, or that have a greater impact in any society in the world.
Pierre Paul Dasny, B.A.
Director of Dasnyapp Inc.