Have you been living in an unhealthy relationship?
Have you lost confidence and self-esteem as a result?
Do you want to rid yourself of a toxic relationship and live a happy life once more?
If you are someone who has been living in a relationship, where a partner is enabling your worst attributes and leaving you reliant on them for approval, then you are probably in a co-dependent one. You may not have heard that phrase before or recognize the symptoms as being called by another name, but the one sure thing is that you need to break out of it as soon as possible.
Inside this book, Co-dependent - How to Cure Co-dependency and Regain your Self-Esteem, Avoiding Emotional Abuse and Toxic Relationships, you will find ways to cope with a co-dependent relationship that will help you to:
Ø Understand the condition better
Ø Recognize the different forms of abuse that can arise from it
Ø Spot when a relationship is toxic and bad
Ø Become a more confident and outgoing person
Ø Avoid relationships that will harm your health and find ones that are loving and nurturing
Ø Find self-fulfillment
Ø Become free
Ø And more...
Armed with the tips and advice in this book, you will begin to see why co-dependency is such a dangerously harmful mindset. By allowing yourself to remain in such a relationship you risk serious mental and potentially physical harm, but by freeing yourself from its confines you can live the happier and more contented life you deserve.
Get a copy and see the advantages of breaking free!