Often we are a part of toxic relationships without realizing it. It holds us back, blinds us, and keeps us from growing.
Instead of holding our partner accountable, we insist, "I need to look after him." But at what cost? In this seminal work, Codependent No More, the author breaks down, in a most lucid fashion, the cause and effect of being in a codependent relationship, and how to overcome it.
Leveraging on the latest scientific and psychological research and longitudinal case studies, the author carefully analyzes how a relationship could degenerate into codependency, what exacerbates it, and what are some of its devastating effects.
With a sympathetic and compassionate word, Codependent No More provides a platform through which we can come to terms with our past, realize the signs of codependency in our relationships, and overcome the lies that we tell ourselves daily.
Never before has the self-perpetuating aspect of codependency been more toxic, and now more than ever we need to cultivate self-worth, acceptance and love for ourselves.
In a life that constitutes relationships, which see self-denial, despair, fear, hopelessness, guilt, and depression as a way of life, we need to be reminded of a life beyond the noxious environment we find ourselves in.
The author brings the devil out from under the carpet and shines a light on it so we can talk about the things that we've been too fearful of acknowledging.
This new edition elaborates on and expands the author's previous work. Adding new content, the author opens her heart to the reader, as to a friend. She reveals her personal experience, her thoughts, and the lessons she learned from her codependent relationship; what helped her to begin her fresh path outside of codependency toward her own rebirth. She tackled this problem firsthand and offers tailor-made solutions.
Through Codependent No More you will embark on a journey of self-realization and awareness.
It will open you up to change, to positivity, and the dead wood will fall behind.
There is a life before reading Codependent No More, and one after it-such is the magnitude of its impact. This is even truer for those who live in a codependent relationship without knowing it.
Codependent No More is geared to become a cultural phenomenon with its humanistic philosophy, profound psychological insights, and a call to growth and change. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to read this sliver of truth and understanding that is poised to become the cornerstone of every healthy and prosperous relationship.
Here is a small part of what you will discover:
◆ Defining a codependent relationship
◆ How codependency develops
◆ How to recognize the early signs of codependency
◆ Difference between a normal and codependent relationship
◆ How to achieve self-esteem and get rid of codependency
◆ Getting rid of fear of abandonment
◆ Learning to love yourself and re-discovering your beauty
... and much more.
Inside the book, you will also find a free guide, with 10 smart tips.