Do you want to get rid of codependent traits, although you are not a religious person or you didn't grow up or live in an alcoholic environment? Have you ever been reprimanded for not having the courage to handle things on your own and having the tendency to depend too much on other people?
If the answer to these two questions is YES, I think you are in the right place. Why do I say this? If you want to develop autonomy and self-esteem, to have quality relationships and trust in what you do, it is fundamental to understand what the problems are and what can be done to overcome them.
The strategies described in this book can undoubtedly help you take the necessary steps to understand how codependent traits appear and keep being maintained and, ultimately, the specific steps you need to take to completely change how things currently are.
Usually, in codependent relationships, there are many negative emotions such as guilt, anger, depression, shame or inadequacy. All these intense emotions forbid true joy and satisfaction in the relationships we have with others. It is important to deal with this type of emotion and start expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs.
This book addresses and provides crucial guidance on topics like:
- What are the specific fingerprints of codependency?
- Why we tend to almost always step into codependent relationships.
- When does codependence become a real problem?
- How to stop being a people pleaser and start to say NO when you want to say NO.
- Three of the best ways to develop positive emotions.
- One of the most powerful strategies to make codependent traits disappear.
- How and why you need to start developing your autonomy right now.
- One of the most attractive mindfulness exercises.
- Five golden principles to overcome codependent traits.
- And Much, Much More.
"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved." - Franklin D. Roosevelt.''
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered to be the most effective form of psychotherapy. The hard preparation over the years helped me to understand the problem in a much clear way and to approach it as pragmatically as possible. If you are a person who is willing to make an effort to make your dreams come true, this book will be very useful to you.
The strategies described here can be applied very well by people who are not religious or do not necessarily have an alcoholic partner. So, it's not about religion, and it's not about alcoholism either. Here you won't find either opinions or ideas accidentally invented at night. It is an extremely practical book, specific, applicable and anchored in the specialized literature.
Therefore, if you want to give your mind a chance to break free from the gripes of codependence and thus regain your autonomy, scroll up and click Add to cart Now.