CO-DEPENDENCY, ABUSE, AND ADDICTIONS describes several types of destructive relationship patterns, also abuse and addictions that leave a trail of devastation behind.
Dysfunctional families or relationships are fraught with co-dependency, addiction, emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, child abuse, violence, and many broken relationships due to the absence of safe boundaries. These traits are akin to a millstone around the neck, dragging the child toward the same sinful patterns as their dysfunctional parents.
Abuse is a word most people tend to shy away from, and in all honesty, we all are guilty of abuse at some level. And this is because of our sinful nature. We all fall short of God's command to love others unconditionally. Abuse is a learned behavior. Abusing someone or substances is not a person's behavior walking in fellowship with the Lord. Any relationship plagued by abuse or addictive behaviors will eventually have to choose one of three paths:
The abuser admits fault, sees his or her behavior as harmful, and changes.
The abused person walks away, at least temporarily to seek out counseling.
The abuse is allowed to continue indefinitely, to the harm of both parties.
The most extreme cure for abuse is separation.
The abuser or addict will only change through genuine repentance and God's saving grace. A person who can understand the nature of their sin will feel godly sorrow that leads to repentance, salvation, and a clear conscience.
Change is a personal choice that we must seek.