IN THE NAME OF ALLAH: NO PLANT IS ILLEGAL! In 1569, bishops of all parts of South America, the "Spanish Audience", assemble in Lima in order to denounce coca, the so-called "pernicious" leaf that is supposed to give the Indigenes strength... Yet coca survives, it was a bitter effort of eradication and persecution yet God the Merciful saved it from the hands of those who dared to ban His Creation and is punishing its enemies, who are killed in greater numbers by the hands of drug cartels than overdose victims by cocaine.
Vegans, watch out and prostate yourselves before God, Glory to Him, the Exalted One! A single leaf carries more calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fibre, ash, minerals, calcium, phosphorous, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, ascorbic acid and vitamins, A, B1, B2, C and E, than any other plant or infusion you know! While the traditional consumption of coca leaves benefits the human health, the concentration of cocaine alkaloid in the leaf is so little that it won't produce a high, nor it leads to addiction - did you ever try non-alcoholic beer? Coca could save billions of lives if only science was immune to racism.
You are reading the first cookbook that cooks with the green-tea-tasting leafs of coca. Here you will find an extensive vegetarian collection of the so called Novoandina Kitchen, which seeks to continue and adapt the traditional Incan Kitchen to a global world. A wide range of cooked and baked goods, even dishes can be made with coca simply by grinding the leaves into a healthy, low-carb version of flour called harina. Harina can also be stirred into juices or blended in smoothies which are rich in vitamins. Keep in mind that you can mix harina in any food that requires flour, the magical recipes in this cookbook will show you how. Que aproveche and bon appetit!
Sincerely, Dr Bebe Fiammetta