The book Principles of Respiratory Medicine is a comprehensive text written by distinguished physicians who have practiced respiratory medicine for several decades in India. The authors have not compromised on the generally accepted description of respiratory diseases common to the affluent West and to poor developing countries. Their special emphasis is, however, on respiratory diseases peculiar to India and other tropical countries.
The text, divided into twenty-two sections and extremely well-illustrated, succeeds in giving a comprehensive view of different respiratory diseases as observed in India and other tropical countries. A highlight of the book is the discussion on the threat of pulmonary tuberculosis and its unsolved challenges. The epidemiology, the subtle variation in clinical presentation, and the natural history of respiratory diseases in regional contexts have been clearly emphasized. In these respects, this book differs significantly from the many books on respiratory diseases written by western authors, and is a landmark book not only in India but perhaps also in Southeast Asia.
The book should be of considerable interest to students, consultants, and pulmonologists in
India, Southeast Asia, Africa, and to professional colleagues in the West.
• This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated.
• Prevailing concepts in lung cancer, asthma, interstitial lung disease, and several other diseases have been discussed at length with special reference to India and Southeast Asia.
• The highlight of this book is the section on tuberculosis (TB). Every aspect of this disease has been revised with special regard to epidemiology, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, the relation between TB and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the drug regimes in use, and the newer drugs available in treatment.
• Section on newer diagnostic aids involving genetic and molecular biology, has been
extensively revised.