Get up to speed on Climate Change in just 2.5 hours!
This short Climate Change Book will show you the important Global Warming Facts and Truth and reads like a thriller.
Terror attacks and murder suicide wrapped in global warming, while providing the latest facts. Captivating, educational, exciting to read. The first chapter alone will blow you away. Discover what you never heard before, connections you never knew about and see surprising solutions. No boring graphs, no boring lists, no science jargon - this book will absolutely surprise you.
Global Warming leads to droughts, droughts lead to war, the Pentagon has warned us. Learn more about these pressing issues:
- Container Ships
- Coal Ash Pollution
- Exploding Tundra
- Industrial Wastewater
- Cruise Ships
- Landfills
- Financial Corruption
- Animal Agriculture
- Overfishing
- Climate Change Refugees
And that's not even all the bad news.
You probably heard bits and pieces, but did you know that climate change has added more fighters to ISIS, that container ships are polluting more than all the cars on our planet, or that the Tundra will keep exploding even if we were not here anymore? Can you imagine that we are about to run out of fresh water? Can you fathom the idea that we produced more CO2 in the last 30 years than we did in the previous 800.000 years combined?
There is a way to implement solutions and most people cannot imagine what that could be. Find out how bad it is and see the solutions that we have at our disposal. Not all is lost, yet. If you care about your family and kids, there is something happening on our planet that you need to know about. It's all in here.
Get up to speed and know more than most people you know, in just under 3 hours. You gonna love it.