The impact of global climate change is quite significant and very real. So the challenge to us is: What can we do? At a country level, we need enforced policies, more scientific research, effective conservation strategies, and most of all - on a personal level, a change of lifestyles!
Every time you switch on a light, drive your car, run water or put out your rubbish you are making a decision that affects the environment.
Natural resources like water, coal, oil, land, fresh air - will run out if we use them up at a faster rate than they can replenish themselves. Research and our experience indicate that this is already happening.
The cumulative impact of households is significant. To make sure that there are enough resources to go around - enough for everybody now and in the future - we need to manage our resources well, using what we have efficiently and fairly.
This notebook is for exactly that, to help us manage and change or habits and lifestyles. Begin today and encourage your loved ones to do the same. It starts with individuals, and flows into households, communities, countries, and worldwide. Think globally, act locally!
Pocket size notebook, 6x9inches, 120 pages, 1/2 blank page, half wide ruled. So you can go to town! Think, write, doodle, recycle, conserve, whatever it is, do your part!