This hilarious book has 30 single sided pages of clean swear words to color! These pages of clean cuss words and phrases are sure to bring a smile to anyone with a twisted sense of humor and makes a great present for adults who curse a lot! This funny adult coloring book is a great way to relax and makes the perfect novelty gift for grownups who have filthy mouths! Way more interesting than a pair of socks or a t-shirt. This hilarious non-sweary coloring book for grown ups will create plenty of laughs all round. If you have a friend or family member who appreciates funny gift ideas then you have come to the right place. Not only is this clean swear word adult coloring book an absolute bargain, but the hilarious non-sweary quotes in this adult coloring book are bound to bring a big smile to your favorite Mom's face! It is hard to find gifts for Moms, so we hope we have made life easier for you with this adult coloring book !
This Clean Swear Humorous Word Coloring Book for Adults Features:
- Printed single-sided on bright white paper
- 30 Detailed Coloring Pages
- Beautiful Designs To Relieve Stress & Have Fun
- Perfect for all coloring mediums
- Large format 8.5" x 11" (22cm x 28cm) pages
Words: Bless Their Little Hearts, Bullspit, Cheesitz, Crud Muffin, Fish Paste, Frazzle Razzle, Fudge Nuggets, Get Your Poop in a Group, Go L*** a Duck, H - E - Double Hockey Sticks, Hasenpfeffer, Hickey Darn, Holy Guacamole, Jack Donkey, Mother Trucker, Nuckin Futs, Oh Bug Butts, Oh Fudge Bar, Pickle Head, Raspberries, Rats, Richard Cranium, Shitake Mushrooms, Shut Your Pie Hole, Snub of an Itch, Son of a Motherless Goat, Stink on a Stick, Sugar Honey Iced Tea, Sunny Beach, What the Frog