About the Book
US plans renegotiating Columbia River Treaty (CRT) payments, and more water released for fish and irrigation, but that reduces power generated, and costs millions, raising power rates. Northwest Council and Congressman Hastings ask: "How much power to trade off for fish? But a NEW CRT Option #4 in this book could avoid payment and power vs. fish disputes, by reviving archived projects, shelved in 1961 due to a power glut .Thus, fish and irrigation water can be DOUBLED, while producing MORE power, at bargain inflation proof price over 30 years, saving the US $7.5 Billion and BC.$ 4.5 Billion "Dear Vernon, "Thank you for writing. I appreciate hearing from you and I share the vision of millions of Americans who want to take control of our Nation's energy future"...sincerely,"...BARRACK OBAMA, US President 2012 "I have another thought: you and other knowledgeable and concerned citizens organize something called "Friends of the Columbia River Treaty "and set yourselves the goal of writing a report." Ralph Sultan, PhD, MBA (Harvard) P.Eng. BC Minister for Seniors, 2012 "Vern, Thanks for all your energy and enthusiasm on this important issue " Doug Robinson, Secretary, Canadian Entity, Columbia River Treaty (CRT) 2012 "Vern, I very much look forward to hearing your ideas. Scott Simms, Secretary, United States Entity CRT, BPA- 2013 "Vern - Thank you again for coming in to meet with us. Additional hydropower is certainly a compelling angle reviewing the Columbia River Treaty." Tracey Newell, US State Dept. 2012 "Dear Dr. Ruskin, I appreciate the time you have taken to share your insight with me and have forwarded a copy to the Hon Rich Coleman Minister of Energy Christy Clark, Premier. BC, Canada 2011 "Vern Ruskin, he's a tireless advocate for the treaty and the benefits that have resulted." John Horgan, MLA, NDP Energy Critic 2013 "If you agree with me every time, one of us is superfluous" Dal Grauer. President BC Electric (predecessor of BC Hydro) 1955-60 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the, only thing that ever has. " Margaret Meade 1955
About the Author: I know whereof I speak. I am one of the few surviving engineers who personally directed the 45 staff in BC Electric's Planning Division, which designed all Columbia and Peace River dams, over 50 years ago . Professional Qualifications: Ph.D. (University of London), M.Com. (University of Toronto), B.Sc. Director Planning Division for B.C. Electric, the predecessor company of BC Hydro, and directed Peace and Columbia River engineering. He started an engineering consulting company in 1970 in Vancouver, BC. He got a green card. He worked for Middle West Service Company and subcontracted for Zinder&Co., two specialist rate consultants; In 1974 he formed a consulting company in Bellingham WA with offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco. Chicago. Atlanta Cincinnati. His clients included 31 US and Canadian utilities and pipelines **, He taught" Engineering Economics" at UBC for 14 yrs., He semi- retired and wrote an-ebook and articles on "Clean Energy Starvation in the Midst of Plenty", and Columbia Treaty Option #4 for" Good Neighbors" ** Clients, BC Hydro, Washington Water Power, Saskatchewan Power Corp, West Kootenay Power Co, San Diego Gas and Electric, Con Edison, Portland General Electric, Metropolitans Utility District, Boston Gas, Providence Gas, Brooklyn Union, Lone Star Gas, Alagasco, Southern California Gas, Cascade Natural Gas, Mountain Fuel Supply Co, Inland Gas, Union Gas. Plains Western Gas, Lakeland Gas, Gaz Metro, Gaz du Quebec, Northern and Central Gas, Consumers Gas, Westcoast Transmission, Washington Nat Gas, Gt. Winnipeg Gas, Minnegasco, Peoples Gas, Trans Canada Pipelines Transmountain Pipelines