Talk Moves: A Teacher's Guide for Using Classroom Discussions in Math
offers an award-winning, unparalleled look at the significant role that classroom discussions can play in teaching mathematics and deepening students' mathematical understanding and learning. Based on a four-year research project funded by the U.S. Department of Education, this resource is divided into three sections: - Section I: Getting Started: Mathematics Learning with Classroom Discussions
- Section II: The Mathematics: What Do We Talk About?
- Section III: Implementing Classroom Discussions This multimedia third edition continues to emphasize the talk moves and tools that teachers can use to facilitate whole-class discussions that deepen students' mathematical understanding.
New to This Edition
- 46 video clips from every grade, kindergarten through sixth, show students and teachers engaged in successful classroom discussions. Some video clips are new to Talk Moves; others are all-time favorites selected from Talk Moves: A Facilitator's Guide to Support Professional Learning of Classroom Discussions in Math
- support for teaching with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics
- Try This Out! sections offer specific mathematics problems, questions, and more than twenty lesson plans ready for immediate use in the classroom (lessons can be downloaded from
- Math Talk Tips highlight strategies for using specific talk moves, tools, and formats to develop students' mathematical learning
The accompanying DVD organizes forty-six video clips by chapter and by grade level for viewing convenience. The clips range from one to nine minutes in length with a total viewing time of approximately two hours and twenty-six minutes.
See Also ...
The two main components of Talk Moves--a teacher's guide and a facilitator's guide--ideally are used together to maximize understanding and facilitation of best talk practices in mathematics learning.
About the Author: Suzanne H. Chapin is a professor of mathematics education at Boston University. She is interested in mathematics curricula, the education of the gifted, and how to further the mathematics achievement of economically disadvantaged students. Over the past twenty-five years, Chapin has directed many projects and written many books in these areas.
Catherine O'Connor is a professor in linguistics and education at Boston University. She works with teachers and researchers to study language use in classrooms.
Nancy Anderson has taught mathematics to students from kindergarten through grade eight. She has also worked as an instructor for preservice teachers and a consultant for Math Solutions. She received her doctoral degree in mathematics education from Boston University.