About the Book
CLASSICAL SUFI POETRY From Hazrat 'Ali (7th c.) to Jami (15th c. )Translation & Introduction Paul Smith Mohammed's son-in-law Hazrat Ali who composed one of the first ghazals ever recorded that essentially sums up the meaning of Sufism and Dervishness...You do not know it, but in you is the remedy; you cause the sickness, but this you don't see. You are but a small form... this, you assume: but you're larger than any universe, in reality. You are the book that of any fallacies is clear, in you are all letters spelling out, the mystery. You are the Being, you're the very Being, It: you contain That... which contained cannot be!THE POETS... Hazrat Ali 31, Ali Ibn Husain 31, Rabi'a of Basra 32, Dhu'l-Nun 35, Bayazid Bistami 39, Al Nuri 40, Junaid 43, Sumnun 44, Mansur al-Hallaj 45, Ibn 'Ata 51, Rudaki 53, Shibli 57, Baba Tahir 58, Abu Said 62, Ibn Sina 68, Baba Kuhi 71, Ansari 73, Al-Ghazzali 74, Hamadani 77, Sana'i 79, Gilani 89, Ahmed Yesevi 91, Mahsati 103, Abu Maydan 107, Khaqani 109, Mu'in 118, Suhrawadi 130, Nizami 133, Ruzbihan 151, Baghdadi 152, 'Attar 154, Auhad-ud-din Kermani 171, Kamal ud-din 176, Ibn al-Farid 179, Ibn 'Arabi 189, Baba Farid 196, Hamavi 202, Baba Afzal 203, Rumi 206, Imami 249, Sadi 250, 'Iraqi 290, Sultan Valad 300, Humam 303, Yunus Emre 307, Shabistari 317, Amir Khusrau 324, Hasan Dihlavi 333, Simnani 343, Auhadi 345, Ibn Yamin 349, Khaju 353, Obeyd Zakani 358, Emad 368, Lalla Ded 375, Hafiz 377, Jahan Khatun 419, Ruh Attar 445, Haydar 451, Junaid Shirazi 460, Ahmedi 462, Kadi Burhan-ud-din 465, Kamal 469, Maghribi 472, Nesimi 480, Nund Rishi 487, 'Arifi 491, Suleyman Chelebi 496, Sheykhi 501, Kasim Anwar 502, Shah Ni'matu'llah 508, Shah Da'i 513, Kabir 518, Jami 530. The correct rhyme-structure & meaning has been kept in all poems... biographies of poets and 'Further Reading'. Introduction. Sufi Poetry & the Forms it takes. Large Format Paperback 7"x10" 542 pages.COMMENTS ON PAUL SMITH'S TRANSLATION OF HAFEZ'S GHAZALS."It is not a joke... the English version of ALL the ghazals of Hafez is a great feat and of paramount importance. I am astonished.." Dr. Mir Mohammad Taghavi (Dr. of Literature) Tehran."Superb translations. 99% Hafez 1% Paul Smith." Ali Akbar Shapurzman, translator of English to Persian and knower of Hafiz's Divan off by heart. Paul Smith (b.1945) is a poet, author and translator of many books of Sufi poets of Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Turkish and other languages including Hafez, Sadi, Nizami, Rumi, 'Attar, Sana'i, Jahan Khatun, Obeyd Zakani, Mu'in ud-din Chishti, Amir Khusrau, Nesimi, Kabir, Anvari, Ansari, Jami, Khayyam, Hallaj, Rudaki, Yunus Emre, Ghalib, 'Iraqi, Iqbal, Makhfi, Lalla Ded, Abu Nuwas, Ibn al-Farid, Rahman Baba, Nazir, and many others, as well as his own poetry, fiction, plays, biographies, childrens books and a dozen screenplays. amazon.com/author/smithpa