About the Book
· The Truth About Series helps you gain an advantage in the areas of your life that really matter to you. Each book contains approximately 50 Truths and every Truth is a tool to make you more successful
· There are many books on the hot topic of innovation but none are focused, practical and fun. There is a real need for a definitive guide, based on real research that isn't too long and academic for the busy, real-world audience of managers and professionals.
· Includes invaluable lessons from over 100 interviews with leading innovators.
· The author works with very large organisations (Microsoft, Toyota, etc) and so has gained a huge network of potential readers.
- Focussed on market needs - evidence-based and developed entirely from customer information.
- USP - 15 most common mistakes.
- Sales channel through author's own company and publicity.
- Added value - templated and website material.
- Examines how Linux systems behave in real-world ecosystems, not how they might behave in ideal environments
- Incorporates the changes in Linux systems in the past 18 months, which include current versions of RedHat, SuSE and Debian systems, new topics like Logical Volume Manager, X11 basic administration and Nagios
- Completely updated chapters on system admin policy, bind, sendmail, and security
- Includes a full section on Logical Volume Manager (LVM), a subsystem for online disk storage management
About the Authors
Evi Nemeth is retired from the computer science faculty at the University of Colorado and is a senior staff member in network research at CAIDA, the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.
Garth Snyder has worked at NeXT and Sun and holds a degree in electrical engineering from Swarthmore College. He recently received an M.D./M.B.A. from the University of Rochester.
Trent R. Hein is the cofounder of Applied Trust Engineering, a company that provides network infrastructure security and performance consulting services. Trent holds a B.S. in computer science from the University of Colorado.Features
- Fully updated to include:
- Increased focus on regional cuisines
- Suggested Web sites
- Additional recipes
- Margin definitions
- Updated information
- Expanded discussion of American Regional foods
- Revised! Chapter 1, Introduction–has been revised in this edition.
- Focuses on factors influencing food habits since early man.
- Revised! Chapter 3, Religion–has been expanded in this edition.
- Includes more about food practices related to various world religions such as: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Seventh Day Adventist.
- Revised! Chapter 23, United States–has been expanded in this edition.
- Expands examination of food patterns and influences in the United States to reveal a clearer depiction of American’s food scene today.
- New! Greater emphasis on regional foods in some countries–appears throughout this edition.
- Addresses the diversity of foods and cultural patterns within a specific country or region.
- Discusses geographic, historical, cultural, religious, and economic influences–which impact food availability and consumption.
- Helps students understand why people eat specific foods in specific regions.
- Offers seven sections–each devoted to a different region of the world.
- Provides balanced coverage of different regions including European, Mediterranean, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Orient and Pacific, Latin America and the United States.
- Develop a broader appreciation of the cultural uniqueness of the food patterns in nations around the world.
- Includes maps and photographs–throughout the text.
- Offers maps of regions and countries to clarify location and provide perspective.
- Over 200 photos appear throughout, including many in full-color.
- Incorporates regional recipes–throughout the text.
- Includes recipes from many countries around the globe and gives students a sample of the styles and ingredients within a given region.
- Modifies some recipes to include ingredients that are easier to find, without sacrificing authenticity.
- Up-to-date treatment of Web security discusses the two most important Web security standards—SSL/TLS and SET.
- Unified presentation of intruders and viruses shows students the distinct threats and similarities of hackers and viruses, in order to promote a greater understanding of both topics.
- Coverage of both PGP and S/MIME for electronic mail security familiarizes students with the two most important approaches to e-mail security, enabling them to gain an understanding of both schemes at a detailed technical level.
- Treatment of firewalls explores this integral part of any network security capability.
- Concise overview of cryptography, authentication, and digital signatures gives students a solid yet concise look at the fundamental algorithms and techniques underlying network security.
- Chapter-end homework problems introduce students to new concepts and techniques, and reinforce material in the text with more than 100 problems.
- Optional research projects guide students, via a series of assignments, through researching a particular topic on the Internet and writing a report.
Simply the Best Thinking..and Nothing But the Truth
- Its important to be a Y-Negotiator and not an X-Negotiator.
- You may want to make the first offer.
- Excellent negotiators expand the pie.
- Cooperation will get you more than competition.
About the Authors
Saundra K. Ciccarelli is a professor at Gulf Coast Community College in Panama City, Florida. She received her doctorate in development psychology from the George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee. She is a member of Division 2 of the American Psychological Association. Ciccarelli was originally interested in a career as a researcher in language and intelligence development in developmentally delayed children and adolescents, and had publications in the American Journal of Mental Deficiency while still at Peabody. However, she discovered a love of teaching early on in her career. This led Ciccarelli to the position at Gulf Coast Community College, where she has been teaching introductory psychology for over 20 years. Her students love her enthusiasm for the field of psychology and the many anecdotes and examples she uses to bring psychology to life for them. While this is her first textbook, she has authored numerous ancillary materials for several different introductory psychology texts.
Glenn E. Meyer is a professor at Trinity University. He received his doctorate in cognitive psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He has been teaching introductory psychology for over 20 years. His research interests include physiological and cognitive approaches to perception, color vision, human computer interaction, social cognition of aggression and cognitive neuroscience. He has numerous academic publications in journals such as Science, Nature, Perception, Perception and Psychophyics, Vision Research, The Journal of Experimental Psychology, and Child Development, and has authored several ancillary materials for undergraduate psychology textbooks. He is the supplements coordinator for the Ciccarelli text, authoring much of the ancillary content and overseeing the development of the materials to ensure consistency in content and quality.Features
- Increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process
- It covers topics ranging from personal responsibility and career development to architectural techniques for keeping your code flexible and easy
About the Authors
Andy Hunt is an avid woodworker and musician, but, curiously, he is more in demand as a consultant. He has worked in telecommunications, banking, financial services, and utilities, as well as in more exotic fields, such as medical imaging, graphic arts, and Internet services. Andy specializes in blending tried-and-true techniques with leading-edge technologies, creating novel--but practical--solutions. Andy owns his own consulting business in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Dave Thomas likes to fly single-engine airplanes and pays for his habit by finding elegant solutions to difficult problems, consulting in areas as diverse as aerospace, banking, financial services, telecommunications, travel and transport, and the Internet. Before moving to the United States in 1994, Dave founded an ISO9001-certified English software company that delivered sophisticated, custom software projects throughout the world. Dave is now an independent consultant based in Dallas, Texas.Features
- New flow sheets
- New and expanded appendices, including Tactical EMS
- Updated photo and art program throughout
- Student CD-ROM packaged with text includes review questions, games, animations, and much more!
- Many case studies, including Indian cases and examples, have been added.
- Pedagogical tools like multiple choice questions, chapter objectives, and summaries have been added.
- Information about Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is covered in the chapter on quality by design.
- Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is revised as per the fourth revision of FMEA manual by Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG).
- Measurement Systems Analysis is added in the chapter on statistical process control.
- Revised updates on quality standards like the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series, and other sector specific standards like TL 9000, have been included.
- New concepts in performance measures like revised criteria for the Malcolm Baldrige Award, Balance Scorecard, etc. have been added.
- Exposition of the basic concepts in each of the three areas
- Methods and strategies to develop critical thinking, writing and presentation skills
- Discussion of the standards and benefits of critical thinking, and barriers to it
- Examination of various research resources for academic writing and ways to use them
- Strategies for active and alert reading
- Methods for connecting reading and writing
- Techniques of developing good essays
- Guidelines on writing mechanics and punctuation problems
- Basic language skills for accuracy in writing
- Numerous practice exercises, and guidelines for writing formal letters, CVs, seminar papers and project reports
- Techniques and soft skills for making effective presentations
About the Authors
Marilyn Anderson teaches at the El Camino College in the United States
Pramod K. Nayar teaches English at the University of Hyderabad.
Madhucchanda Sen teaches philosophy at Rabindra Bharati University at Kolkata.Features
- Solved problems in each chapter incorporate vivid details to guide the student through the subject
- Replete with exercises and multiple-choice questions, the chapter-end pedagogy provides enhanced and discerning inputs to a streamlined and systematic learning approach
- 220 solved examples, 182 exercise problems and 140 multiple choice questions
- Covers amplifiers and voltage regulators in detail
- In-depth analysis of power amplifiers
- JFET and MOSFET circuit analysis explained using graphical methods
- Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers are thoroughly covered
- Three new chapters—‘Financial Environment in India’, ‘Emerging Methods of Financing’, and ‘Corporate Governance and Sustainability’
- Several new case studies from companies like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Hero Honda Motors, Apollo Tyres and Reliance Power
- Extensive coverage of relevant topics such as efficient markets, share repurchase, empirical evidence, annuity, electronic funds transfers and loan pricing.
- Expanded coverage of topics like time value of money, methods of capital budgeting, leverage-financial and operating, inventory management and receivables management
· Business Insight boxes at the beginning and end of chapters for better understanding of concepts
· Boxed items featuring interesting themes focusing on entrepreneurial challenges, global business implications, ethical and social considerations
· A case study in each of the thirty six chapters
· Large number of case examples from Indian companies such as Reliance Industries, Tata Motors, Genpact, ICICI Bank, Infosys, State Bank of India, Hero Honda, Tata Steel, etc.
- Two new chapters – “Rural Services Marketing ” and “Marketing in Small Towns”
- Revised and updated coverage that captures changing trends and reflects the latest developments in rural marketing
- Four-colour photographs that bring alive the transformation that rural India is undergoing, which is the theme of the revised edition
- Eleven end-of-chapter video cases that showcase real-world problems and unique solutions adopted by companies
- Enhanced pedagogy that presents the latest developments and innovations in the area of rural marketing
- CD-ROM containing updated data tables that provide a wealth of information relating to rural markets and 11 video cases
- Modeling in the Real World boxes demonstrate the application of the quantitative analysis approach to every technique discussed in the book.
- Problems included in every chapter are application-oriented and test the student’s ability to solve exam-type problems.
- Procedure boxes summarize the more complex quantitative techniques, presenting them as a series of easily understandable steps.
- History boxes provide interesting asides related to the development of techniques and the people who originated them.
- QA in Action boxes illustrate how real organizations use quantitative analysis to solve problems.
- Online modules provide additional coverage of topics in quantitative analysis.
About the Authors
Barry Render is Professor Emeritus, the Charles Harwood Professor of Management Science at the Roy E. Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida.
Ralph M. Stair, Jr, is Professor Emeritus at Florida State University.
Michael E. Hanna is Professor of Decision Sciences at the University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL).
T.N. Badri is Associate Professor of Operational Research at Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai.
- Dozens of figures and tables that simplify and illuminate key concepts
- 50% more “field-tested” homework problems
- Strong discussion of design principles for effective security
- Up-to-date coverage of viruses, worms, and other malware
- Keyword lists, recommended readings, and glossary
· New Examples and problem sets
· A section on building blocks that provides various rules of English grammar and word lists
· Over 8,000 multiple-choice questions for practice
· Scientifically designed and time-bound exercises called Speed Maximizer Sector (SMSs) to boost preparation levels
· Vocabulary and English-usage tests, reading comprehension tests and composite tests
· More than 50 solved full-length test papers
· MCQ Bin
· Provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the basic concept and context of project planning and scheduling.
· Both a conceptual and applied perspective—Features both text and graphics to explain the material.
· Progressive incorporation of detailed activities—Into each of the major scheduling approaches.
- Approach: A strong algorithmic emphasis serves to unify the material. Algorithms are presented in English, eliminating the need for knowledge of a particular programming language.
- Supplementary Exercises: Ending each chapter, these sets of supplementary exercises reprise the most important concepts and techniques of the chapter and explore new ideas not covered elsewhere.
- Coding Theory: A new chapter 3 has been added that includes material on Matrix Codes, Error Correcting Codes, Congruence, Euclidean Algorithm and Diophantine Equations, and the RSA Algorithm.
- Choice of Topics: Based upon the recommendations of respected professional organizations--the MAA's Panel on Discrete Mathematics in the First Two Years, the NCTM's Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, and the CBMS's recommendations for the mathematical education of teachers—this text offers a solid, comprehensive introduction to discrete mathematics.
- Added emphasis on the role of the Internet in daily global communication
- Clear, simple, concrete language
- Structured, practical assignments
- Discussions on the value of each specific format
- A section on oral communication
- A section on research as a stage of the development cycle
- Many worked examples and a wealth of good problems at the end of each chapter.
- Help with core math and an emphasis on physics concepts ensure that the undergraduate students emerge with a deeper understanding and more confidence in problem solving.
- Fully developed coverage of key topics, with more careful and detailed explanations than what is typically found in quantum mechanics texts for undergraduate students.
- Expanded overview of the geology of soils and rocks
- Improved classification aids for the Unified system
- More comprehensive
- Logical organization
- Inclusion of laboratory test procedures
- Practical application focus
- Requires students to perform various exercises that develop and refine their speaking skills.
- Supplies students with practical guidelines while at the same time teaching them that completing a methodical process is the key to effective speaking—as it is to writing.
- Enables students to transfer their existing oral communication skills to the formal contexts covered in this text—without wasting time on unnecessary background verbiage and theory
- Allows students to move through the book quickly so that they can get started on preparing speeches.
- Makes students aware that success in public speaking breeds success in interpersonal communications—and will enhance the quality of their personal and professional lives.
- Appearance and Credibility
- Guidelines for Ethical Presentations
- Problem-Solving Process Model
- Classification System for Graphics
- Rogue’s Gallery of Problem Graphics
- Uniquely comprehensive introduction to both the classical and statistical theories of thermodynamics
- Thorough, yet concise treatment of the phenomenological foundation of thermal physics.
- Discussion of the kinetic theory of gases, representing the transition between classical and statistical thermodynamics.
- A carefully considered presentation of statistical theory
- A solid, modern treatment of the thermodynamics of magnetism included
- Up-to-date examples of applications of the statistical theory
- Chapter on the connection between thermodynamics and information theory, seldom found in undergraduate texts
Table of Contents:
- The Nature of Thermodynamics
- Equations of State
- The First Law of Thermodynamics
- Applications of the First Law
- Consequences of the First Law
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics
- Applications of the Second Law
- Thermodynamic Potentials
- The Chemical Potential and Open Systems
- The Third Law of Thermodynamics
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