Pressured by her unscrupulous family to marry a wealthy man she detests, the young Clarissa Harlowe is tricked into fleeing with the witty and debonair Robert Lovelace and places herself under his protection. Lovelace, however, proves himself to be an untrustworthy rake whose vague promises of marriage are accompanied by unwelcome and increasingly brutal sexual advances. And yet, Clarissa finds his charm alluring, her scrupulous sense of virtue tinged with unconfessed desire.
Told through a complex series of interweaving letters, "Clarissa" is a richly ambiguous study of a fatally attracted couple and a work of astonishing power and immediacy. A huge success when it first appeared in 1747, and translated into French and German, it remains one of the greatest of all European novels. Its rich ambiguities - our sense of Clarissa's scrupulous virtue tinged with intimations of her capacity for self-deception in matters of sex; the wicked and amusing faces of Lovelace, who must be easily the most charming villain in English literature - give the story extraordinary psychological momentum
ISBNs of all volumes:
Volume 1: 9781641813914
Volume 2: 9781641813907
Volume 3: 9781641813921
Volume 4: 9781641813938
Volume 5: 9781641813945
Volume 6: 9781641813952
Volume 7: 9781641813969
Volume 8: 9781641813976
Volume 9: 9781641813983
iBoo World's Best Classics
Clarissa Harlowe is frequently included among the great literature of the 20th century, including the Modern Library 100 Best Novels, The Observer′s, BBC's and The Telegraph's "100 Greatest Novels of All Time", and The Guardian′s "1000 novels everyone must read".
iBoo Press House uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work. We preserve the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. All titles are unabridged (100% Original content), designed with a nice cover, quality paper and a large font that's easy to read.
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