Citizen of the World is a tool to propel action. Quit making excuses for yourself, and take action towards what you really want. I wanted a freedom lifestyle, and was seeking for a greater purpose than working a 9-5 job. Sound familiar?
Citizen of the World is my personal diary of discovering my place in the world. Are you trying to find your place in the world? Do you often question what your true purpose is?
Discover yourself through the world of travel. Read my personal diary while backpacking solo in South America and the Middle East. What is stopping you from stepping outside your comfort zone?
Gain self awareness with Citizen of the World by exploring self-discovery questions to trigger, and ignite your inner passions.
Stepping outside your comfort zone allows for life experience, education and self-discovery.
Citizen of the World reveals the benefits of solo travel to develop self-awareness and tolerance for other cultures.
Learn about the world by living in foreign countries, and learn how to speak foreign languages.
You'll learn how to turn your fears into action to live a life of freedom. Turn your anxieties, worries and stress into opportunities,
You'll benefit from self-discovery questions to help propel action.
You'll learn how to embrace a positive and fearless mindset to design a freedom lifestyle and business.
You'll learn how to go against social norms to live a life of purpose.
You'll learn how to became an entrepreneur through travel.
Transition away from a 9-5 job to a life of freedom, while become a life long learner. The future of work is entrepreneurial. Use your potential to kick start a freedom lifestyle and business. Don't wait to retire to travel, life is living in the now.