About the Book
Chapters: Basantapur, Mahakali, Sreekot, Barakot, Durga Bhabani, Durgasthan, Dilasaini, Dehimandau, Amchaur, Bhumeswor, Bijayapur, Pancheswor, Bumiraj, Dasharathchanda, Chaukham, Rudreswor, Talladehi, Patan, Baitadi, Rauleswor, Siddhapur, Gajari, Gwallek, Kataujpani, Kotpetara, Raudidewal, Thalakanda, Giregada, Gurukhola, Maharudra, Malladehi, Silanga, Shibanath, Maunali, Melauli, Sarmali, Tripurasundari, Nwali, Kaipal, Sikash, Kulau, Siddheswor, Baitadi, Nagarjun, Nepal, Shivaling, Nepal, Mahakali, Mahakali, Salena, Nepal, Udayadeb, Sakar, Nepal, Shikharpur, Mahakali, Basuling, Bhatana, Gujar, Nepal, Gokuleswor, Baitadi, Deulek, Khalanga, Baitadi, Kuwakot, Mahakali, Dhungad, Bilaspur, Nepal, Shree Kedar, Mahadevsthan, Mahakali, Dhikasintad, Jogannath, Thalegada, Mathraj, Dhikarim, Hat, Nepal, Sankar, Chadeu, Kotila, Mahakali, Nwadeu, Hatraj. Excerpt: Amchaur Amchaur is a small town and Village Development Committee in Baitadi District in the Mahakali Zone of western Nepal . At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 3,852 and had 700 houses in the town. References (URLs online) A hyperlinked version of this chapter is at Barakot Barakot is a ward (ward number 10) in Dashrath Chand Municipality, in Baitadi District in the Mahakali Zone of western Nepal . Earlier it was a Village Development Committee (VDC). At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 2,389 and had 469 houses in the village. The ward consist of villages Chauda, Jhaka, Barakot, and Bhatala with Bhatala being the largest village with over 50 households. Majority of the dwellers are Hindu Rajputs (Bisht).There is a 10+2 school-- Shree Daneshwar Higher Secondary School at Barakot. There is a primary level school at Bhatala named Shree Gyaneshwar Primary School. References (URLs online) A hyper...