This novel is not about the rich, famous, or over privileged but rather the common everyday people of all ages and walks of life who are and have struggled with racism, broken hearts, lost loves, along with several other burdens that have destroyed many people. But by the hand of God and people with a persistent faith, they find a way to overcome tragedy not just to exist but to thrive, help others to have peace and joy beyond all human understanding.
The title When Circles End was chosen to put a focus on the things that take place in people's lives by pure chance that are a repetition of a previous events, circumstances, or happenings, small or large, in a previous time. Some completed in days, some months, some years, some a century, or more. The things the readers of this have to decipher is: are the circles that are completed in this writing and in their own lives really just a coincidence, or was the hand of God involved? Just an example in my own life, my parents bought a farm the year I was born (1954). Within a year, we were in a bad car crash while my mother was pregnant with me and a new pickup truck was purchased. Twenty-five years later, my wife and I bought a small farm, were in a bad car crash while she was pregnant, and we bought a new pickup truck. In both crashes, the other drivers were at fault.
Look back in your life and see if this type of thing took place in you or your family's life without you even spotting it. It may be something big or as small as a few spoken words that resurface at a later date. If you do or don't believe in God or his kingdom, hopefully after you see the circles that have been completed in your lives, your faith will be strengthened or you will start a walk of faith.
The most important circle for mankind is nearing competition when Jesus returns as he said he would.
What does the name Selah Shalom mean? Forever peace. When you get to the point in your life that you have true peace, I guarantee you will have a whole new outlook on your problems and struggles. Many of the material things, even money, will play a much smaller part in your security.