Everyone is a poet and an artist. Life is an experiential range of wow and woe and the in-between ordinary living. Our unfolding moments are poetry in motions, actions, intentions, and emotions. The extremes write themselves while the mundane; you must appreciate, design, and compose into a poem to be shared. Could you put them in words? Sure do! Love is relationship-dependent, so why not capture your moments, clarity, and Isness and share your passion, truth, wisdom, joy, and suffering?
I started writing Haiku at 76; I wrote two on a whim and shared them in our Med71 messenger group. Suddenly, they kept coming out of my ears. In four months, I have written over four hundred.
In 1977-78, I had three spontaneous Satori/Samadhis/Transcendences. The first was a loss of Self from fusion with Sunlight and the explosion of light. The second was a loss of Self from fusion with Darkness and an overwhelming Suchness. The third was a fusion of two amorphous clouds in my awareness into Oneness; each event was accompanied by eternal/infinite ecstasy. I also had one Out of Body Experience(OBE) of symbolic death, where my soul left my body. I converted the eternal bliss into a Circle of Ecstasy(COE) of daily routines.
The book is about awareness, appreciation, enjoyment, and gratitude for every moment of silence, ease, comfort, harmony, calmness, peace, paradise, bliss, stillness, and Oneness, expressed in a Haiku, to be shared with others. Hopefully, it leads one to experience an Epiphany, Satori, Samadhi, Transcendence, Religious Rapture, Peak Experience, and a joy that lasts forever.
The book has 154 pages and 18,311 words.