Musicians, Actors, Speakers, Comedians, Performers!A successful career as an independent Christian artist takes more than talent! It's Art, Business, and Ministry - all at the same time!
You need to be an entrepreneur with skills and abilities in sales, promotion, bookkeeping, fundraising, internet technology, networking, and social media, and more. It's not for the faint of heart. But if you are called it can also be a most rewarding and fulfilling life!
In Church Pews, Potlucks and a Tank of Gas, Chuck Neighbors shares his story, experiences, and valuable insights from over 4 decades of touring and making a living in ministry through the performing arts. You will learn about both the business and the personal side of being an artist. Full of strategies to make your arts ministry a success, including:
- Finding Your Audience
- Branding
- Revenue Streams
- Booking Gigs
- Promotion
- Time Management
- Accountability
...and more!
This book is a great resource for both established artists and those just starting their careers. If you are a singer, musician, actor, comedian, or speaker this book is an essential resource that will help and guide as you develop and grow your ministry.
"This book is gold! Chuck Neighbors pulls back the curtain to give us a glimpse into the independent artist's life. It is an honest, revealing, and insightful guide-relevant to any musician, performer, or speaker." - Tom Jackson, Live Music Producer and Performance Coach, On Stage Success