About the Book
This book is about a "Symbolic Fall" that I took one day in church, back in 2006. So much has happened since then, and I wanted to share the miracle with you. We all fall to things in life, but during this fall I learned what real spiritual warfare is really all about. I was tripped right in church by the prince of the air, satan. Pastor had just preached the week before the satan is roaming the air and that he is in church. I remember saying to myself and family, "who let him in the church, and that if he messed with me in God's house, I was going to kick his butt right in church, and I did. See satan has always tried to defame my character, and I wasn't about to let him do it in my Father's house. Nonetheless, on January 15, 2006, he tried me. As soon as I got up out of my seat, I excused myself from the pew, and made a right turn, and then it happened. I bellied up, flat on my face, and all I heard God saying was "do not abort my mission". I had been struggling with the law finding it hard to keep. I really didn't understand that Christ through His grace and truth, fulfilled the law. I had been dealing with fear at that time as well, and that day I got delivered with revelations. I had to learn what God was talking about in a short period of time, when he said "do not abort my mission". He was referring to me fighting back against the enemy. See, I was always concerned with being embarrassed, appearance, and character, and satan new that, so he would do any, and everything to sabotage my walk with the Lord, and the way I looked. God wanted me to look down in my heart and find those scriptures that I was guarding there but not really using, because I didn't understand until that day, that the Word of God is the only way you can beat the devil. Although the Bible says to guard the Word in my heart, and I do, but it was time to stop guarding it, and to start speaking it. Faith without works is dead, and so was I. I had faith to believe in the word but had no idea that I was supposed to use the word for warfare. I was always taught vengence is mine, thus saith the Lord, so I never fought in the spirit prior to the fall. I just prayed for my enemies, defeated, because I did not know that the Word of God was the Two-Edged Sword that I needed to win in victory. Thank God for that fall because as you will see in this book, alot came out of it. That happened at 10:30 am, and by the time I got home at 12:45, I had this book conceived in my spirit. I fell many times in life, but none like this. See as righteous people in Christ Jesus, we will fall but it's up to us to get up and keep on living through the Holy Spirit. Many of us struggle to get back up because we don't believe God's Word. We would rather stay down feeling unworthy, then to say to ourselves "many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God shall deliver us from them all", like it says in the book of psalms 34:19. When I fell, I chose to believe the Word of God, and I fell on the Rock of my Salvation. Christ broke my fall, helping me to rise again. All I heard was the angels singing "swing low sweet chariot coming for to carry me home", and that's exactly what they did as the floor seemed to open up like the pit of hell. I'd like to say what may be an unlikely experience for the most of you reading this book, God turned this fall into a blessing for me. I was truly blessed during this process, and my sister said it the best, she said, "that when I got up from that particular fall, I rose higher in the Lord". All my thanks and praises are from God to God, because when I am standing strong, or fallen from grace, God has kept me thus far. "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again; but the wicked shall fall into mischief", Proverbs 24:16, and "Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace", according Galatians 5:4. Choose God. May God and this book