What is Christmas Spirit? Is it decorating a home inside and outside? Listening to or singing carols and other music of the season? Spending time with family and friends? Sharing a special meal? Helping those in need? Attending a special church service? Giving and receiving gifts?
Christmas Spirit is a combination of all of these things . . . and much more!
True Christmas Spirit is a celebration of Christ's birth. It's the way we demonstrate the love of God to others, and share with them the significance of the gift of His Son.
Please join the 33 authors listed below as they share their treasured memories and stories of Christmas.
Becky Alexander, Suzanne Baginskie, Del Bates, Susan Brehmer, Joann Claypoole, Jennifer A. Doss, Rhonda J. Dragomir, Glenda Ferguson, Sandra Fischer, Constance Gilbert, Jean Mathew Hall, Bonnie Lasley Harker, Lydia E. Harris, Helen L. Hoover, Bill Hufham, Linda L. Kruschke, Barbara Latta, Barbara Loyd, Jeri McBryde, Bonita Y. McCoy, Margaret McNeil, Norma C. Mezoe, Margaret Nava, Suzanne D. Nichols, Theresa Parker Pierce, Sue Rice, Beverly Robertson, Carol Smithson, Pam Stein, Laura Sweeney, Donna Collins Tinsley. Vicki Indrizzo-Valente, Diana L. Walters.