Christianity, Where Can This Path Take Me? helps people searching for answers in the Bible to begin their adventure.
For New Christians, it sets out a meaningful path to follow and find out what this new life is all about.
For growing Christians, it provides jumping off points to continue their growth and a means to share their life with others as an adventure in discovery.
Frequently Asked Questions: 1) Receiving God's Forgiveness, 2) Assurance of Salvation, 3) Fellowship with God, 4) Temptation, 5) Trials, 6) Meditation, 7) Gaining a Clear Conscience, 8) Having a Good Self-Image, 9) Vision, 10) The Lordship of Christ, 11) Prayer, 12) Importance of God's Word, 13) Witnessing, 14) Second Coming of Christ, 15) Promises, 16)Personal Holiness.
Names of God in the Bible
All the names of Jesus in the Bible
Prophesies of Christ in the Bible
Basics on cult religions
Read the Bible in 88 days
Read the Bible chronologically
How do I memorize scripture?
Topical Bible references (642 reference topics, 66 expanded definitions)
Steps to peace with God
Escalator to depression (Diagram)
The Fountain of true success (Diagram)
The Christian circle of growth (Diagram)