A Christian Geologist Explains Why the Earth Cannot Be 6,000 Years Old
By: Dr. Lorence G. Collins
This book is about the geology of the Earth. Written by a fully committed Christian, it asserts that accepting the knowledge provided by studies in science is in no way in conflict with following the teachings of Jesus. If a Christian understands how God has done his creation, then he/she can be a better steward in taking care of the Earth and its life.
The general themes of the book are: to expose the false beliefs of young-Earth creationists regarding the age of the Earth being 6,000 years old and that Noah's Flood must have been worldwide (global) in extent; and to suggest that the Bible is not a science text. The contents of this book can be understood by both people trained in science and those who have no background in science. It is intended to give a valuable source of insights about how science works; to provide a way to support and guide a Christian witness to the world, and to be a "bridge" to make this possible. As Christians, our greater mission is not to battle over divisions in religious beliefs but to heal the sick, feed the hungry, minister to the abandoned, and so on.
About the Author
Dr. Lorence G. Collins is a retired professor of geology, having taught at California State University Northridge. In addition to geology, he taught mineralogy, petrology, and photogeology for 33 years.
Collins is a member of the United Methodist Church in Thousand Oaks, California.
This is his first published book. He had an article published in National Geographic magazine in 1966, titled "Finding Rare Beauty in Common Rocks." He and his late wife, Barbara, co-wrote many of the articles on his website, Opposition to Creationism, http: //www.csun.edu/ vcgeo005/creation.html.