A young scientist, George Stayley, has been seeking to the mysterious dark forces of the Universe, namely Energy and Matter.
After many years of research, God has revealed to the 'Born-again Christian', the path to their discovery.
Working alone as to assure complete secrecy, He is able to indentify and harness vast amounts of energy, and knowledge.
His revelations lead to the plans he has for the human race; to migrate to far distant planets, leaving behind all traces of war, bigotry, and terrorism.
He discovers the one-on-one personal relationship between Jesus and his followers is truly a 'Born-again' conversion. The act, consummated by the Lord, changes forever, the believer.
A two-pronged 'Christian Exodus' is begun. White Christians to 'Haven'. Black Christians to 'Jubilee'. Both receive the same bounties of benefits-untold amounts of all needs and pleasures. The goal is to erase, through time, all memories of past mistakes, so as to have a future of Christian unity.
A young scientist, George Stayley, has been seeking to the mysterious dark forces of the Universe, namely Energy and Matter.
After many years of research, God has revealed to the 'Born-again Christian', the path to their discovery.
Working alone as to assure complete secrecy, He is able to indentify and harness vast amounts of energy, and knowledge.
His revelations lead to the plans he has for the human race; to migrate to far distant planets, leaving behind all traces of war, bigotry, and terrorism.
He discovers the one-on-one personal relationship between Jesus and his followers is truly a 'Born-again' conversion. The act, consummated by the Lord, changes forever, the believer.
A two-pronged 'Christian Exodus' is begun. White Christians to 'Haven'. Black Christians to 'Jubilee'. Both receive the same bounties of benefits-untold amounts of all needs and pleasures. The goal is to erase, through time, all memories of past mistakes, so as to have a future of Christian unity.